Good read Sampo, thanks for taking time to think and write
clearly. Reminds me of that feeling when understanding Godel/Russell,
of once solid ground feeling unsound beneath me.

It's a reminder that the ways we "see" things is just one map, one set
of tools. There's many ways to decompose and reconstruct signals, some
of them more useful or immediate than others.

To the broader question. Forgive my liberty with an analogy from
computing. When we look at software it's tempting to think that this
is the _only_ way things can be. We mistake human constructs for
ground truths. Possible languages rest on possible hardware, like von
Neumann/Harvard architecture, which rest on choices of number

So what would be the point in disrupting that stack, of going and
moving the whole foundations? One might be the discovery of a new
medium for computing. What we get with quantum computing is new
possibilities, and the need for new ways of formulating problems.

Another reason is more human and greedy. It's "intellectual property".
When space runs out in one domain, and nobody seems able to push
things forward in that space, there's always the option of ripping up
the old rules and moving to an adjacent space.

The problem with doing that is you put a barrier between your new
technology and the rest of the world. I have not heard this MQA
encoded sound, but it seems that's the intention - to claim a broad
set of patents to monopolise/restrict encoding and then the main
schtick seems to be selling special decoder hardware that can "cast"
streams (dubious when folks like to make up their own language to
describe decoding).

Am I completely misunderstanding this?

My worry then with YAPAF (Yet another proprietary audio format) is
that we'll end up with landfills full of once expensive decoder boxes
in much the same way as thousands of tons of ASIC bitcoin mining gear
is being buried right now. I's still dealing with the legacy of DAT
formats in my studio. And yet another unneeded format that will
complicate future curation of audio files. The performance of MQA
would need to be something really special for such a departure from
established signal norms to be worthwhile.


On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 08:01:30PM -0800, Ethan Duni wrote: > Very
interesting and perceptive take as usual Sampo!  > > On Sat, Jan 29,
2022 at 8:05 PM Sampo Syreeni <> wrote: > > > > > You just
cannot have compact support in > > the time and frequency bases at the
same time; this is in fact the most > > basic form of the uncertainty
principle (a mathematical theorem about > > Fourier transforms, and
not an empirical physical thingy, as some seem > > to think).  > > > >
IMO the physics part is the realization that (wavefunctions of)
certain > physical quantities (position/momentum, time/energy) can be
related as > Fourier transform pairs (and the associated scaling with
Planck's > constant). Once you make that assumption, uncertainty
relationships follow > immediately from the properties of the FT, as
you say.  > > > > Furthermore do note that such bases can only be
discretely > > shift-invariant, not continuously. That's because of
one of the basic > > classification theorems in functional and
harmonical analysis: every > > shift-invariant subspace of an L^2 (by
slight modification, an L^1 one) > > space is spanned by some
combination of quadrature sines and cosines. So > > essentially
everything truly linear and time-invariant comes out of the > >
bandlimited sampling framework. This implies that MQA, while linear in
> > its sampling step, is not time-invariant, and it cannot be; it'll
> > necessarily lead to intermodulation products related to the sample
rate, > > just as if you amplitude modulated the signal before
sampling with some > > harmonic combination of sinewaves having to do
with the rate.  > > > > This is a very helpful perspective, thanks for
this.  > > > > (since a product of minimum phase filters > > is
minimum phase, and the phase response of a minimum phase filter is > >
wholly determined by amplitude response, multiplying two all-pass > >
minimum phase filters has to be idempotent).  > > > > Wait, what?
Isn't a minimum-phase allpass necessarily trivial? Or was that > your
point?  > > > > [MQA] utilizes a set of basis functions which > > are
not bandlimited, so that it can theoretically reconstruct things > >
like hihgly time-localised transients which bandlimited sampling
cannot.  > > But that's then at the cost of not being able to
perfectly reconstruct > > bandlimited signals; the finite innovation
framework works to prove this > > too, in its contrary, because the
proof is entropically as tight as the > > original Shannon one. "There
is no free lunch."  > > [...]  > > In the case of > > MQA, the
assumption is a signal which decomposes nicely in a > > time-variant
basis composed of recurring polymial splines of some kind.  > > > >
The latter model is not well suited to *anything* but time-domain
work.  > > As I said above, it'll necessarily lead to intermodulation
distortion.  > > If that can be held below the masking threshold,
fine, it might not be > > noticeable.  > > > Also very helpful
perspective; this puts things in a much clearer context > for me.  > >
> > That stuff is much easier to do within the conventional critically
> > sampled + quantizer + dither + lossless statistical compression >
> framework. [...] How you do it is, you brickwall and sample > >
conventionally, at a very high rate. (If you want to go as far as that
> > 1MHz bound I mentioned from analogue work, you bring in a
coherent, > > higher frequency but lower precision converter to fill
in.) You apply > > your favourite apodising LTI filter,
delta-sigma-method and whatnot, to > > arrive at a phase and amplitude
spectrum to your liking. It will now > > typically be something
headily bottom-sided in frequency, which you then > > quantize with
well-thought-out dither; apodization takes out ringing, > > and the
system remains fully translation invariant even on the > > continuous
side time, > > > I find the translation invariance appealing
intuitively, but is there a way > to quantify its importance in audio
terms?  > > > > So we rewind our transducers for lots of extremely
thin wire, and go > > from permanent magnets as the stator to high
amperage electromagnets. In > > the whole Tesla range, not
Gauss. Still, the mechanical range isn't > > enough: too much mass and
tensile strength, so that the speaker/phone > > vibrates at
too-high-Q, and doesn't respond adequately outside its > > natural
range. What is there to do?  > > > > Well, let's elevate the driving
force/voltage, then, and shorten the > > cables to where negative
feedback regains control authority to within > > less than a quarter
of a cycle @1MHz.  > > > > I seem to remember this led to there being
something like 10A going > > through the headphones' stators, and
upwards of 5000V through a finely > > wound moving coil. Per ear.  > >
> > I enjoyed this story a great deal, reminds me of my undergrad
intern days :P > > E

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