
What means here Haptic .. ?

I have Strong interest in dsp.


Melotte Joseph
In Belgium

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022, 19:16 Stefano Papetti <> wrote:

> [Apologies for cross-posting]
> [Please forward to interested colleagues]
> Dear list members,
> HAID 2022 - 11th International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction
> Design
> 24–26 August 2022, London, UK
> The* submission portal *for Papers is *now open:*
> Please note that the new* deadline *for* Paper submissions *is* 13 May
> 2022*.
> We have also extended the *deadline *for* Workshop proposals *to* 29
> April 2022*.
> HAID 2022 will be held 24–26 August at the Mile End Campus of Queen Mary
> University of London in the UK, and will be a hybrid event with in-person
> activities and online streaming sessions.
> This edition of HAID introduces the *Work in Progress* initiative (*deadline
> 10 June 2022*), the objective of which is to increase the inclusiveness
> of our community.
> HAID 2022 is organised by the Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) in
> collaboration with the Centre for Advanced Robotics @ Queen Mary (ARQ). The
> workshop is supported by the Audio Engineering Society, IEEE Technical
> Committee on Haptics, EuroHaptics Society, and Springer.
> Please stay tuned to all the latest news at:
> * HAID 2022 webpage
> * HAID Google group
> * HAID Twitter page
> See you in London!
> The HAID 2022 Programme Chairs
> Stefano Papetti and Charalampos Saitis
> --
> —
> —
> Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
> Zurich University of the Arts
> —
> Dr. Stefano Papetti
> Research Associate Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology
> —
> Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, P.O. Box, CH-8031 Zurich
> Phone +41 43 446 5516
> —
> —
> Musical Haptics - Open Access ebook - Springer Series on Touch and Haptic
> Systems <>

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