The only place I’ve seen arbitrary precision arithmetic used in audio is in 
coding. If you’re doing arithmetic coding or FPC or similar, you need to do 
arithmetic operations on words of large, potentially variable size (hundreds of 
bits, say). This is still fixed point, and is not really in the audio 
processing part - it’s about converting between vectors of quantized values and 
a packed bitstream representation.

I guess for general audio DSP it doesn’t work if you have any feedback paths. 
Because the precision will grow without bound, and so your process will slow to 
a crawl and then run out of memory and crash. Even a simple one pole smoother 
will explode in a matter of seconds. 

So you are forced to limit the precision to some reasonable value, in which 
case why not just use double and be done with it.

Ethan D

> On Apr 26, 2023, at 1:41 AM, Andy Farnell <> wrote:
> I'm also very much emjoying this thread and realise that the focus is
> on microprocesor ALU behaviour.
> But to widen it a little, let's remember that compilers and languages
> are in many senses inseperable from silicon in modern computing.
> Returning to the spirit of the OP - that surely in 2023 we shouldn't
> have to worry about denormals - why aren't there coding workflows that
> make the problem disappear? Our position is roughly; Floats are easy
> to use, but there's no getting around problems at the small end of
> precision, whereas fixed arithmetic needs more careful code and fails
> hideously at the large end of precision.
> Given the premise that we don't have to worry about efficiency any
> longer, what's missing in my mind is a third option that is
> arbitrary-precision arithmetic, common to uLISP, Scheme etc.
> Audio signals, as per reverbs, filters and exp decaying envelopes,
> tend to zero, where the denormal problem pops up, and remains for all
> time until interrupted. Other than accidental divide by <bignum>, most
> signals are transiently out of range for only a very short time,
> From a computing point-of-view, having absorbed the initial overhead
> of variable-length bignum arithmetic, might audio DSP not benefit
> greatly as it would seem to prefer the statistically rare and
> occasional very large values than more commonplace runs approaching
> zero?
> Anyone know of successful arbitrary-precision work in audio DSP or is
> the whole conceit misguided for reasons I have missed?
> cheers,
> a.
>> On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 08:51:35PM +0300, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
>>> On 2023-04-08, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
>>> Listen, people here that know me from the 1990s, know that I was a staunch
>>> fix-point advocate.
>> And people don't know me. For a reason: I'm not a practitioner, but a
>> theoretical amateur in the field. You have every reason to chastise me.
>> However, about floats, fixpoint and denormalisation...
>> It's just easier and mathematically simpler to work in fixpoint. Earlier you
>> just couldn't have the range for audio work you needed, so there had to be
>> floats, A/μ-laws, and whatnot. But now you don't need them. Definitely you
>> don't need them in discussing 64-bit arithmetic; as I said, even usual
>> 32-bit C-float lets you have a linear range of 24 bits, signed, which is
>> more than enough.
>> I do understand where floats and denormals come from. They're half about
>> numerical analysis, and half about software development ease. If you want to
>> deal with quantities which range wildly over orders of magnitude, and their
>> inexatitude is relative, not absolute, you'll want floats. There's really no
>> substitute for floats there. Then if you want your numerical algorithm to
>> not underflow, in many cases you'd want your floats to denormalise — which
>> is to say, suddenly behave linearly, unlike floats as an exponential
>> representation do, and like fixpoint does.
>> Since we're talking on a sound-minded group, I perhaps should remind you of
>> "the gain structure". How analogue studios controlled their noise.
>> I believe the choice of digital gauge is very much the same as that one. If
>> you do it wrong, on the analogue side you'll be left with unbearable noise.
>> On the digital side, you'll be left with digital rounding noise. But if you
>> control your gain structure right, especially within nowadays rather wide
>> 24-bit architecture, you really don't even have to think about it too much.
>> It mostly just works out.
>> (I'd actually say, calibrate your studio absolutely, like them movie people
>> do. Done so, a 24-bit linear stream goes below perceptual threholds when
>> quietest, and exceeds the threshold of pain at max. So it linearly covers
>> the whole range, and the representaation can be worked with as wholly linear
>> — except that nobody currently does so. Not even the movie people; even they
>> mix in relative amplitude and only then set the final absolute calibration.
>> I think that's thoroughly stupid; the one little wing of our important audio
>> work which actually *has* a set amplitude reference, chooses not to utilize
>> it.)
>>> If given an assignment of developing an audio processing system using
>>> fixed-point math, I will not shrink away from the challenge, but **if**
>>> the project is "Hey we got this 64-bit ARM with FPU in it and gobs of
>>> memory, I don't want my code to be checking for saturation and "minding
>>> the gain structure".  Fuck no.
>> You don't have to mind saturation if your gain structure is well thought
>> out. If you know the limits and averages of your input signals, and scale
>> your sums appropriately. It's not even hard. Even for me, as a rank amateur.
>> What's really hard is controlling nonlinearity in your signal processing
>> algorithm. What's doubly hard is controlling the semi-logarithmic tendency
>> floats obviously do, *and* at the same time ne linear ramp denormals
>> produce. Floats and denormals *do* make it easier for the average chump to
>> churn out his average numerical codes, but once we go into numerical
>> analysis, signal processing, for real, as this list is ostensibly about,
>> that mix of linear and semi-logarithmic is a horror. You don't want to deal
>> with it; if you don't think it's a horror, then you haven't tried to deal
>> with to begin with.
>> My favourite here is dithering. There's no known closed form solution of how
>> to do any of it given denormals. You can do some of it using floats, but
>> only after approximating them via a true exponential. Denormals, they are
>> impossible to analyze together with floats; you can't easily do mathematics
>> in the linear and multiplicative domains, at the same time. Especially when
>> you cut off the regime arbirarily, at your lowest float bit depth; that's
>> yet another arbitrary nonlinearity to your analysis, right there.
>>> But, if my tool is a 64-bit processor that can do 64x64 to 64-bit result
>>> in the same nanosecond instruction cycle as anything else (like 32-bit
>>> fixed-point processing), why would I toss that headroom and legroom away?
>> But it can't, basically because of carry propagation in digital circuitry.
>> It is impossible to do sums or products in O(1) circuit width. This means
>> that 32-bit arithmetic will always in the end be more efficient than its
>> 64-bit bigger brother. That being when it applies; if you really need 64
>> bits, then the hardware often helps you. But if the underlying algorithm can
>> be parallelized to two 32-bit ALU's, the narrower bitwidth will necessarily
>> win out.
>>> It's only when a **final** sample value is getting output, that I should
>>> need to worry about gain, saturation, quantization, and noise-shaping.  I
>>> shouldn't have to worry about it anywhere else. Not if I'm using a 64-bit
>>> ARM.
>> I beg to differ. My ideal is that whatever you bring into your audio
>> processing chain, is absolutely referenced. It has an absolute decibel level
>> attached to it. Like them movie people attempt to do it.
>> If you work like that, and your gain structure follows, there's no
>> saturation or quantization or anything like that, anywhere, ever. You can
>> and *will* work within the 24-bit linear range of even a 32-bit float,
>> because 1) going lower than 1-bit would be unhearable, and 2) going to the
>> full 24 bits would literally split your ears. Then between those wide
>> limits, you have full linearity, which helps you produce better and more
>> stable algorithms.
>> -- 
>> Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -, 
>> +358-40-3751464, 025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

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