The argument reminds me slightly of a master thesis grade I had on my
list for a (weighty) "Philosophy of Science" test, which was a article
on the subject of "Sophists' and Platos' philosophy" or some title of
that extend..

( From encyclopedia: Protagoras (one of the most known sophists) is
known primarily for three claims (1) that man is the measure of all
things (which is often interpreted as a sort of radical relativism) (2)
that he could make the “worse (or weaker) argument appear the better (or
stronger)” and (3) that one could not tell if the gods existed or not.)
( Plato wrote against their methods, and believed certain values were
well knowable (as opposed to relative) and that absolute truths existed,
like e.g. "the perfect concept of a triangle")

I could come with various humorous thesises to go witha DSP PhD thesis
in this sort of direction, none of them honoring the EE science very

 Theo Verelst

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