On 20 June 2014 23:37, robert bristow-johnson <r...@audioimagination.com>

> well, Kirchoff's laws apply to either linear or non-linear.  but the
> methods we know as "node-voltage" (what i prefer) or "loop-current" do
> *not* work with non-linear.  these circuits (that we apply the node-voltage
> method to) have dependent or independent voltage or current sources and
> impedances between the nodes.
If this is the case you should tell everyone that using Spice to stick to
linear components only since the non-linear ones won't work!

   I was trying to point out that the linear analysis done by Yeh
>> starts the circuit but then throws it away and instead uses a DF1, and a
>> DF1 does not store the state of each capacitor individually, so when you
>> turn the knob you don't get the right time varying behaviour.
> in the steady-state (say, a second after the knob is turned) is there the
> right behavior with the DF1?

If you start the filters with silence and don't change any settings and you
have infinite processing resolution they will be identical. I would guess
that the time for artificial energy injected into a DF1 due to parameter
changes to be unnoticeable would depend on the particular circuit, guessing
again I would say it is most likely that low frequencies with high
resonance would be most problematic, and from what I have noticed sweeping
downwards in frequency is the worst case, but you are the expert on DF1s
what are the results of research you have conducted into these issues?

>    I am saying
>> you don't have to throw the circuit away, you can still get an efficient
>> implementation since in the linear case everything reduces to a bunch of
>> adds and multiplies.
> and delay states.

You just store a single state per capacitor actually, please read these for
some examples: www.cytomic.com/technical-papers

 For non-linear modelling you need additional steps, and depending on the
>> circuit there are many different methods that can be tried to find the
>> best
>> fit for the particular requirements
> if, the sample rate is high enough (and it *should* be pretty fast because
> of the aliasing issue) the "deltaT" used in forward differences or backward
> differences (or predictor-corrector) or whatever should be pretty small.
>  in my opinion, if you have a bunch of memoryless non-linear elements
> connected in a circuit with linear elements (with or without memory), it
> seems to me that the simple Euler's forward method (like we learned in
> undergraduate school) suffices to model it.

In tests I've done (where I've had to simplify some parts just to get it
explicit version to be stable) it takes around x8 oversampling of a base
rate of 44.1khz before the single step explicit version sounds the almost
identical to an implicit version, so

Andrew, i realize that you had been using something like that to emulate
> linear circuits with capacitors and resistors and op-amps.  it does make a
> difference in time-variant situations, but for the steady state (a second
> or two after the knob is twisted), i'm a little dubious of what difference
> it makes.
I would guess that for guitar circuits if the cutoff frequencies are around
80 hz at the lowest then after two seconds of not moving any knobs the that
any linear filter that hasn't blown up would settle to sound the same given
infinite processing resolution, but I have not done research into this so I
would not bank on it, especially when direct circuit simulation is so
straight forward, and then the non-linear case can also be handled with
identical machinery at the cost of more cpu.
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