On 13/08/2015, robert bristow-johnson <r...@audioimagination.com> wrote:

>> Are you *sure* truncating adds extra quantization noise?
>    ---->[sigma-delta modulator]---->[decimation filter]---->[quantizer]--->
> adds extra quantization noise to:
>    ---->[sigma-delta modulator]---->[decimation filter]---->

Okay, this is the VERY LAST time I'll show this demonstration.
If you want to understand this, then pay attention VERY closely:

Here is a fading out 440 Hz sine wave at 16 bits precision:

Here is its spectrogram - a single sinusoid at 440 Hz:

If you simply truncate it to 8 bits, here is what you get:

As expected, the spectrogram shows harmonic distortion:

This is because the sinewave gets distorted, and starts looking like a
square wave, having harmonic spectral artifact, as expected.


*IF* the signal is already noisy, say, from the thermal noise of the
converter, *THEN* this will NOT happen!!!

To demonstrate this, here is a -36 dB white noise floor:

If we mix this with the original sine wave, we got this:

It is a fading out 440 Hz sine wave, buried in a -36 dB white noise
floor. If we quantize this to 8 bit, this is what we get:


Do you hear harmonic distortion in this signal? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

To prove, here is the spectrogram of this 8-bit noisy signal:

Do you see harmonic distortion on the spectrogram? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

A/B spectrogram comparison between quantization with no noise floor,
and quantization with -36 dB white noise floor:


The original, non-noisy sinusoid, quantized to 8 bit, then converted
back to 16 bit, subtracted from the original signal, normalized to -16
dB (= the harmonic noise from the quantization, amplified, without the
original signal):


The noisy sinusoid, quantized to 8 bit, then converted back to 16 bit,
subtracted from the original signal, normalized to -16 dB (= the error
from the quantization, amplified, without the original signal):


Conclusion: when there is a loud enough noise floor present in the
signal, then there's no harmonic distortion from the quantization!!!
Nope, nil, nada, zilch, zero, null!! The white noise floor eliminated
it completely!!!!! That's the whole purpose of dithering... The error
in the case of a quantized noisy sinusoid is almost like white noise.

It would be good if - after multiple demonstrations, and giving you 30
external references - you could finally understand that noise from
either dithering or a thermal noise floor eliminates harmonic
distortion from the quantization step.

Bonus experiment: try to see if you can hear the difference between
sine_fadeout16_noise.wav and sine_fadeout8_noise.wav in a blind ABX
test. If not, then having extra bits of noise make zero sense.

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