Hi Robert,

I gave detailed reply yesterday, from the other side of the world, on my iPad. 
It had a sending failure, which also, apparently, left it as a completely empty 
message. Trying again from  scratch via iPhone...

There is no standard 3-knob parametric. Consider that the classic analog 
parametrics have different parameter interactions that audio engineers prefer 
(Tangent, for example—in general the interaction is how increasing gain affects 
Q). Some plug-ins give you a choice of classic behaviors.

Now, you want to automate the gain of one of these. Now you want to transfer 
that over to another 3-para with a different behavior. So, you need to 
translate that into gain automation and Q automation. Hmmm...

Tl;dr: You can't reasonably expect parameters from 3-paras to be 
interchangeable any more that you can with equally-ubiquitous compressors and 

Second item: Parameter automation and MIDI automation are different things. The 
former tracks changes in a control over its range (often a knob that ranges 
(0-1). It may be a gain knob, it may be a Q knob. What is the value of the knob 
at 3-o'clock (the host may want to display it for an automation point)? It's 
whatever that plug-in tells the host it is. (The host queries the pluggie for a 
value string for control value 0.8, for instance. "+12 dB", might be the reply.)

A midi track might be attached to a control—whatever midi message you mated 
with it—and therefore you'll get that exported to a midi file but don't expect 
a host's automation track to get saved in a midi file, any more than you'd 
expect to save an audio/sequencer project in Cuebase and import it into Pro 
Tools and carry on there.

Hope this helps,


> On Dec 20, 2015, at 11:16 AM, robert bristow-johnson 
> <r...@audioimagination.com> wrote:
> can anyone point me where to find the technical information regarding how 
> automation regarding control settings might be defined, particularly 
> regarding the 3-knob parametric EQ.
> first, other than MIDI, with automation data stored as a MIDI files, how else 
> is this information stored?  like how does Pro Tools store the data?  
> essentially, i am curious exactly how a Pro Tools session (or whatever they 
> call the file) stores the automation data for a 3-knob parametric EQ.  like 
> exactly how is the Q or bandwidth defined.
> second, specifically, how is this data defined in a MIDI file?  specifically 
> which MIDI controls (the control numbers) are, by default, assigned to 
> parametric EQ?  how many can a single MIDI channel have?
> and then how is the scaling defined?  presumably 0x40 would represent the 
> middle of the knob range.  where does that go for f0?  and for Q?  i presume 
> 0x40 would correspond to a dB gain of 0.
> has anyone used the same MIDI file for automatic control of EQ and translated 
> that MIDI file from one machine (or plugin) to another?  what did the two 
> products do with the settings?  did they go to the same f0?  the same Q?
> just trying to find out what the practice is.  i know more about the theory, 
> but do not know what the emergent "standards" are.
> thanks.
> --
> r b-j                   r...@audioimagination.com
> "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
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