From: "Ethan Duni" <>

Date: Thu, February 18, 2016 4:48 pm


> I've noticed

> in my (cursory) searches that some people use amplitude spectra and others

> use power spectra, but the only thing I've found in the way of comparison

> tests was to do with whether it gets normalized by fundamental frequency or

> not.

i haven't even found that in the lit. �which is why i was interested when Evan 
brought this topic up.
> Let's start in continuous time, with some real signal x(t) with FT X(w).

> Recall the differentiation property, d/dt x(t) <=> jwX(w). Next, let's use

> Parseval's theorem (ignoring the normalization constants because they'll

> cancel out later):


> integral( |x(t)|^2 dt) = integral( |X(w)|^2 dw), and likewise integral(

> |d/dt x(t)|^2 dt) = integral( |w|^2 |X(w)|^2 dw).


> Thus, the ratio of the time-domain integrals gives:


> integral( |d/dt x(t)|^2 dt)/integral( |x(t)|^2 dt) = integral( |w|^2

> |X(w)|^2 dw)/integral( |X(w)|^2 dw)


> I.e., if we run a differentiator, then compute the ratio of the power in

> that to the power in the original signal, the result is the second moment

> of the (normalized) power spectrum.
it's "second moment" because both positive and negative frequencies are used.
> This corresponds to the system Evan

> proposed in the OP, without the later square root modification. So that's

> something, but presumably we want to get the *first* moment of the

> normalized power spectrum.
the first moment is 0. due to the symmetry of what we're looking at.
but i think that we were supposed to be integrating only positive values of w. 
�and then this centroid becomes more like a mean, not so much a

> One option is to replace the differentiator with an inverse pinking filter,

> as rbj suggested. Are there any good references on design of inverse

> pinking filters?

same as the old standby:��
but swap the poles and the zeros.

> Another option is to stick some square roots on these quantities, as Evan

> suggested in a subsequent post. But moving those through the integrals

> means, according to Jensen's inequality, that we get an over-estimate of

> the first moment of the normalized power spectrum. How big the

> overestimation is depends on the shape of the spectrum, but this may well

> be quite usable regardless and should be substantially cheaper than the

> inverse pinking filter approach.


> Next let's consider how this would work in discrete time. Naively, we might

> simply replace the differentiator with a first difference. Recall the

> relevant DTFT property: x[n] - x[n-1] <=> (1-e^(-jw))X(w). This gets us the

> graph and explanation that Evan provided in the OP: for sufficiently small

> values of w, it is approximately linear, so we can simulate the

> continuous-time case via oversampling. We could also add a high frequency

> compensation filter, or again, just replace the difference/sqrt() approach

> with an inverse pinking filter designed according to whatever criteria.


> Are we all on the same page with this analysis so far?


> I notice that various sources define spectral centroid in terms of

> amplitude spectrum, rather than power spectrum. This makes the analysis

> more difficult, since we can't rely on Parseval's theorem directly. But

> this is part of why I asked what the consensus is on definitions - is it

> worth analyzing, or is it just something people do when using FFT based

> methods, without much further thought on the alternatives?

i like power or magnitude-square more than just magnitude. �we can do Parseval 
on it. �or lot'sa other calculus.

r b-j � � � � � � � � �

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

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