Hello All,

I have a speaker phone device with 4 mics and 1 speaker. The mics are
placed in this fashion -

[image: Inline image 1]

I'm trying to implement Beamforming for this system. But before getting
into Beamforming, I tried plain old summing of all microphone data without
any Beamforming. This gives me good result with better amplitude of the
captured signal, although there is some attenuation of the signal around
7-10KHz, which is null frequency for this setup. The attenuation seen is
between 3-10 dB for 7-10KHZ range. But I do not see signal distortion or
reverberation. I tried with sine sweep also. My operating frequency is

So, coming to my question - if I do not see signal distortion by just
adding all 4 mics data without Beamforming, can I stick with this
implementation? Or am I missing something here? I also have an AGC at end
of processing chain which can make up for any attenuation caused by just
summing of mics data. What advantages of Beamforming am I going to miss if
I stick to plain old summing? Does Beamforming really help in this kind of
Speakerphone setup?

Thanks & Regards,
dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

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