> >
> > From what I understand it is impossible to get rid of aliased frequencies 
> > after sampling.
> >
> Once a frequency component is "aliased", it loses the original identity of 
> that frequency takes on the identity of the alias.  Then it's just a 
> frequency component.  The reason we hear these aliases is that, if the 
> waveform was originally meant to be quasi-periodic (a.k.a. quasi-harmonic), 
> the harmonics that are folded over cease to be harmonic and we hear that.
> So any harmonics that somehow find themselves higher in frequency than 
> Nyquist will fold over and take on another frequency.  How did they get 
> there?  The original recorded note just had them as harmonic.  It is when 
> notes that are rich in harmonics are pitched up to a higher pitch, that's 
> when folding or aliasing may happen.  Is that what is happening to you?
> I was trying to answer the question implied by the thread Subject header: 
> "How does one generate bandlimited waveforms that can be morphed into other 
> bandlimited waveforms?"  Is that your question, André?

Yes, it is. I think I have enough information to try the waveform-tables 
approach. I will quantise the morphing waveforms and do a FFT on each to build 
wavetables. I looks like this is what I can accomplished with my current 

Thanks for your input and insights. It is clear to me that all these problems - 
so easy they look at the first glance - ends up really complicated if you want 
to do the first thing that comes into your mind. Hope I can present the 
solution for you to fiddle around with online soon.


André Michelle
https://www.audiotool.com <https://www.audiotool.com/>

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