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Subject: Re: [music-dsp] Recognizing Frequency Components

From: "Nigel Redmon" <earle...@earlevel.com>

Date: Sat, January 28, 2017 2:38 pm

To: "A discussion list for music-related DSP" <music-dsp@music.columbia.edu>


>> Always fun to extrapolate into the blue, huh ? Not so much


> I think people participate because they enjoy discussing audio DSP topics, so 
> things often diverge from the original question&mdash;this isn&rsquo;t simply 
> an answer forum.

well, it was when Steffan mentioned "gaussian window" in the context of finding 
this parameter called "frequency", given a bunch of samples.
gaussian windows are tits because gaussian functions are really cool for a 
variety of reasons.

>> I read only a part fo the RBJ "From zero to first order principal component 
>> synthesis" article yet, but am aware that, just like some other 
>> generalizations, drawing from general mathematics of the last century all 
>> too enthusiastically



> Published on only the second month of the current century, I&rsquo;d expect 
> Robert&rsquo;s paper to draw enthusiastically on the last century ;-)


> Having trouble parsing that last paragraph, please excuse me if I 
> misinterpreted.

i can't always figure out what Theo is saying either.
i don't think of this in the context of which century. �more of an example of 
the parameter extraction problem that they teach us about in grad school. �the 
approach *was* to extract the parameters out of the
frequency-domain data. �i s'pose you can do a brute-force approach in the time 
domain and posit a slew of sinusoids with different frequencies. �for each 
proposed frequency, it is pretty straight forward to extract the amplitude and 
phase of a sinusoid of that frequency that has the
least-mean-square error (you get the amplitudes on the cosine and sine 
you do that for each proposed frequency and pick the frequency that has the 
smallest mean-square error. �then maybe do some searching around that "best" 
frequency to find an even better frequency
that is close by.
the sinusoidal modeling proposed in the paper essentially can come to a best 
guess of the frequency (and the sweep rate and the amplitude ramp rate) without 
trial-and-error searching. �it chooses those three parameters in such a way to 
best match the quadratic exponent
of the gaussian pulse in the frequency domain that each sinusoid will leave. 
�that's what it's for. �then, i s'pose, you can get the amplitude and the phase 
of the chirpy sinusoid similar as before now that you have a frequency to work 
with. �then you have a full description of the
sinusoid (to the extent of its frequency and sweep and ramp rates, but not 
higher-order terms) that you can use in modification and reconstruction.

r b-j � � � � � � � � �r...@audioimagination.com
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
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