I think what we can all agree on is;

1) right tool for the right job
2) right level of knowledge to use the tool

Disagree, in many cases designing bullets is science, but there are 
competing design criteria, and in fact in cases, appropriate "silver bullets".

For instance when a FPGA board, cheaper than the CPU of a PC, beats the PC
in practical sense, there's every reason to prefer that solution, especially
if the tools are getting more advanced than C compilers on a moderately
functioning PC multi tasking platform.

Also, there's security issues, as has been rightfully mentioned, for instance
a programmable device could have a hardware decryption unit (has been around
for decades).

My point has been, if that's not clear, the trustworthiness of dedicated
solutions can be a lot higher, also in terms of forcing designers not
to take some standard software solutions from the shelve, but to analyze
the music synthesizer properly, and learn to use the best, most advanced,
and educationally valid tools, when possible.


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