On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 3:17 AM Alex Dashevski <alexd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> if I do resampling before and after processing. for example, 48Khz -> 8Khz
> and then 8Khz -> 48Khz then will it help ?

Lowering sample rate can help achieve lower latencies by giving you fewer
samples to process in the same amount of time but just downsampling and
then upsampling back doesn't really have any effect.

> I don't understand why I need filter, This is to prevent alias but I can't
> understand why ?
> Technically you only need a filter if your signal has information above
the nyquist frequency of the lowest rate but this is not usually the case.
I think wikipedia explains aliasing pretty well:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliasing#Sampling_sinusoidal_functions . Once
the high frequency information aliases it cannot be recovered by resampling
back to the higher rate and your lower band information is now mixed in
with the aliased information. The filter removes this high freqency data so
that the low band stays clean through the whole process.

Is there option to decrease latency or delay ?

The only way to reduce latency in your algorithm (unless there is some
error in the implementation) is to reduce the block size, so you process
128 samples rather than 240. 240 isn't a very large amount of latency for a
pitch shifter which is typically a CPU intensive process and therefore most
implementations have relatively high latencies.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the pitch duration requiring a
buffer-resize or sample-rate decrease. WSOLA creates a signal with more
samples than the input, you must resample that (usually by a non-integer
amount) to make it the correct number of samples then output that, and
reload your buffer with the next block of input data. Please clarify if you
mean some other issue.

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