It is physically impossible to build a causal, zero-phase system with 
non-trivial frequency response. 


> On Mar 7, 2020, at 7:42 PM, Zhiguang Eric Zhang <> wrote:
> Not to threadjack from Alan Wolfe, but the FFT EQ was responsive written in C 
> and running on a previous gen MacBook Pro from 2011.  It wouldn't have been 
> usable in a DAW even without any UI.  It was running FFTW.
> As far as linear / zero-phase, I didn't think about the impulse response but 
> what you might get are ripple artifacts from the FFT windowing function.  
> Otherwise the algorithm is inherently zero-phase.
>> On Sat, Mar 7, 2020, 7:11 PM robert bristow-johnson 
>> <> wrote:
>> > On March 7, 2020 6:43 PM zhiguang zhang <> wrote:
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Yes, essentially you do have the inherent delay involving a window of 
>> > samples in addition to the compute time.
>> yes.  but the compute time is really something to consider as a binary 
>> decision of whether or not the process can be real time.
>> assuming your computer can process these samples real time, the delay of 
>> double-buffering is *twice* the delay of a single buffer or "window" (i 
>> would not use that term, i might use the term "sample block" or "sample 
>> frame") of samples.  suppose your buffer or sample block is, say, 4096 
>> samples.  while you are computing your FFT (which is likely bigger than 4K), 
>> multiplication in the frequency domain, inverse FFT and overlap-adding or 
>> overlap-scrapping, you are inputting the 4096 samples to be processed for 
>> your *next* sample frame and you are outputting the 4096 samples of your 
>> *previous* sample frame.  so the entire delay, due to block processing, is 
>> two frame lengths, in this case, 8192 samples.
>> now if the processing time required to do the FFT, frequency-domain 
>> multiplication, iFFT, and overlap-add/scrap exceeds the time of one frame, 
>> then the process cannot be real time.  but if the time required to do all of 
>> that (including the overhead of interrupt I/O-ing the samples in/out of the 
>> blocks) is less than that of a frame, the process is or can be made into a 
>> real-time process and the throughput delay is two frames.
>> > > On Sat, Mar 7, 2020, at 6:00 AM, Zhiguang Eric Zhang wrote:
>> > > ... FFT filtering is essentially zero-phase ...
>> FFT filtering **can** be linear-phase (which is zero-phase plus a constant 
>> delay) if the FIR filter impulse response is designed to be linear-phase (or 
>> symmetrical).  it doesn't have to be linear phase.
>> --
>> r b-j        
>> "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
>> > On Sat, Mar 7, 2020, 5:40 PM Spencer Russell <> wrote:
>> > > On Sat, Mar 7, 2020, at 6:00 AM, Zhiguang Eric Zhang wrote:
>> > > > Traditional FIR/IIR filtering is ubiquitous but actually does suffer 
>> > > > from drawbacks such as phase distortion and the inherent delay 
>> > > > involved. FFT filtering is essentially zero-phase, but instead of 
>> > > > delays due to samples, you get delays due to FFT computational 
>> > > > complexity instead.
>> > > 
>> > > I wouldn’t say the delay when using FFT processing is due to 
>> > > computational complexity fundamentally. Compute affects your max 
>> > > throughput more than your latency. In other words, if you had an 
>> > > infinitely-fast computer you would still have to deal with latency. The 
>> > > issue is just that you need at least 1 block of input before you can do 
>> > > anything. It’s the same thing as with FIR filters, they need to be 
>> > > causal so they can’t be zero-phase. In fact you could interchange the 
>> > > FFT processing with a bank of FIR band pass filters that you sample from 
>> > > whenever you want to get your DFT frame. (that’s basically just a 
>> > > restatement of what I said before about the STFT.)
>> > > 
>> > > -s
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