On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 09:56:44PM +0000, Day Dreamer wrote:

> Having that said my opinion is that DVD rips should not be considered 
> official releases, the artist never intented to release them audio only, 


> Let's also make a hypothesis: An audio CD is enhanced and the enhanced 
> material is a (let's say) 2-song live video performance, one might want to 
> add the ripped tracks to the end of the tracklisting (or if this cannot be 
> done because of a DiscID, create a new entry), would this be an official 
> release?

The difference is that I can't put the CD in my CD player and play all the
tracks, including the 2 video tracks in order. I can put the DVD in my DVD
player and play the chapters in order. (See example at the end)

However, I think we're dealing with two different things:

1. When someone rips the DVD chapter for chapter, I would consider that
official, it's still the same as it was on the DVD. The chapters are
clearly defined and anyone can create the same track listing by ripping the
chapters in the same way you rip tracks from a CD and get the same result
as someone else ripping tracks from a CD. The number and order of tracks is
effectively fixed.

2. When someone someone rips the audio and creates his/her own splits for
the files. The splits are entirely dependent on the person who does the
ripping and splitting, so I'd call it bootleg. The person doing the ripping
is effectively making up their own track listing.

I personally think that the fact that the video is removed is irrelevant,
one could theoretically rip both the audio and video and use the
MusicBrainz data for the filenames or metadata of some description. Our
programs can't do it, but that doesn't stop other people writing scripts or
programs which can.

And now for my example:

I have:

On the cover, it says:
* Empty Souls (video)
* Dying Breeds (short film)
* Failure Bound

If I put this in my computer, I can play it in mplayer with 'mplayer
dvd://1' for Empty Souls, 'mplayer dvd://2' for Dying Breeds and
'mplayer dvd://3' for Failure Bound.

Then I also have:

On the cover, it says:
* Empty Souls
* All Alone Here

I can get Empty Souls with 'mplayer cdda://1' and All Alone Here with 'mplayer

It's effectively the same thing but with a different format.

Then I also happen to have:

On the cover, it says:
* Empty Souls
* No Jubilees
* Litany
* Empty Souls (video)

I can get the first three tracks using mplayer and track numbers 1 to 3,
but not the video. The video isn't track 4, it's an entirely separate
entity to the other three tracks.

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