Ok, here is my proposed solution to the historical countries debate:

1. Add historical countries:

    - XC - Czechoslovakia [until 1993]
    - XD - German Democratic Republic [until 1990]
    - SU - Soviet Union [until 1992]

2. Fix Yugoslavia, which is in our countries list right now:

    - YU - Yugoslavia [until 1993]

3. Fix our current list by adding:

   - CS - Serbia and Montenegro

4. Establish rules for historical countries:

    - We only include countries currently recognized by ISO.
- In addition, we recognize a few historical countries that can have more than N documented releases from that country. - We only keep track of countries with typical two letter codes. Three letter codes or even four letter codes are overkill for MusicBrainz. - If there is a release from a historical country that is not (yet) listed, add a country of origin note to the album annotation.

My reasoning is that I want to keep the country list from exploding. We should not add things there that will not be used -- that only causes confusion. The arbitrary threshold of N releases is designed to keep the list from growing out of control. What's a good threshold for N? 10? 25?

This proposal is not so much a Request for Comment as much as it is a sanity check. I've heard all the bits before and I am not really interested in starting a new discussion over again. HOWEVER, if you think we're making a grave mistake by proceeding with this proposal then I'd like to hear your comments. But, please spare me the "I don't like it" "it sucks" kinds of comments. I'll just ignore them.

I'll address the EU issue next. May some deity have mercy on my soul.


--ruaok      Somewhere in Texas a village is *still* missing its idiot.

Robert Kaye     --     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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