OK, short of minor corrections I did not see any significant arguments that should change my course. Thus I've changed/added the following countries:

 id  | isocode |                  name
  61 | TL      | East Timor
 235 | YU      | Yugoslavia (historical, 1918-1992)
 236 | CD      | Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
 239 | XU      | [Unknown Country]
 240 | XW      | [Worldwide]
 241 | XE      | Europe
 242 | CS      | Serbia and Montenegro
 243 | SU      | Soviet Union (historical, 1922-1991)
 244 | XG      | East Germany (historical, 1949-1990)
 245 | XC      | Czechoslovakia (historical, 1918-1992)

Also, FX, France Metropolitan has been removed. Note that the country code for the DDR was suggested as XD, but since the name was changed, I ended up using XG.

Finally, the rule for creating more historical countries is not governed by an arbitrary number of releases for a country, but by "the currently accepted community decision making process".

If someone wanted to propose a new historical country today, said person would propose this country on this list and the community will discuss the merit of the suggestion. If the community can't decide, we kick the idea back to me, the evil overlord. This process may change over time, thus the phrasing of the 'currently accepted process'.

Your evil overlord has spoken!


--ruaok Somewhere in Texas a village is *still* missing its idiot.

Robert Kaye     --     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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