> We really need to get this implemented. I'd suggest to load it onto test 
> after the next server update. Then we should test it and then move it over to 
> the main server.
> The vacuum cleaner can be added to the test tree, be discussed to death, and 
> then finally make it to the main server, too, OK :-)
> BTW what is it instrument/other or instrument/wind/other?
>   DonRedman 

Don Redman wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 05:37:02 +0100, Brian Gurtler wrote:
>> at least one album and a ton of live shows
>> it's already been established that it will be added as per Redman
>> i'm tired of requesting it.
>> just add the vacuum like our "minister" said he would.
> Bulbb?
> Um, no I never said anything that would contradict a ruling of our Evil
> Overlord. [pleeze Master, i am your deevout servant ;-)].
> No, seriously IIRC I just said that we should tackle mo's tree first and
> then the vac. If Robert has set up a rule then that's the rule to
> follow. And if the rule sais no, then it's no.
> So, I'd say: use annotations for obscure instruments. Once you have five
> albums with that annotation, send the links to mb-style and the
> instrument will get added.
> And finally, just to clarify the situation, I am not a "minister" I
> don't make rulings. I am supposed to act as a secretary who handles the
> noncontroversial stuff. Actually the Style Council worked so well while
> I was away, that I am reluctant to start anything remotely active again.
> The less I have to do, the better.
>   DonRedman
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