I think Don's summary of the DVD issues is pretty close to what we should go with.


1. We will store DVDs in MusicBrainz and we'll start doing this by using the existing album structure.
2. We will not use DVD in the title.
3. We can start adding DVDs into MusicBrainz. Once we get a few (more) into the database, we will see how people have been adding them and only then start creating "official" guidelines for how DVDs will be entered. As usual, we will attempt to keep the rules as simple as possible. I would like to ask the Style Secretary to pick the right point in time to establish the rules and to get the ball rolling at that time. 4. DVDs in MusicBrainz will represent releases that you can buy. Official DVD releases will also be considered official for MB. We'll have to consider how to improve support for DVDs in MB when we improve the handling for albums. We'll make do for now. 5. If for some reason the track listing that people have for a DVD is different from the actual DVD, create a second album and mark the second album as a bootleg. Figuring out when and when not to do this will be part of establishing the DVD style guidelines -- first lets observe what people are doing and then we'll nail down the guidelines.


All of this is going to take some time -- as usual. If some time down the road you think that the DVD guidelines have mature, please mention it here and we'll see about updating the official style guidelines.

Thanks, and have a good weekend everyone!

On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:39 AM, Don Redman wrote:

Wow, I liked this response (and I had not thought it could come out of that silly speaker thread).

so let's keep up summarizing:

(1) MB is currently not able to genuinely store metadata in a format that will apply to all DVDs However, the current album-oriented way of storing metadata is applicable to a majority of DVDs. This is what StyleGuidelines are for. Therefore DVDs could be added to MusicBrainz using relatively complex guidelines. But if the pro- DVD people are willing to work these guidelines out and to watch that they are being applied, that is ok. - The guidelines could specify that stuff above a certain level of complexity belongs to the annotation. - The guidelines coud outline a threshold of 'musical relatedness' under which DVDs should not be added to MB
 - etc.

(2) DVDs have a non negligeable role in musical culture. They are probably going to become even more important. Can MusicBrainz afford to ignore this phenomenon? I do not think so.

(3) Are DVD entries _in the MB database_ 'official'? This depends on the definition of what a "DVD" is _in MB_. Some define it as an entry representing an audio rip. Then it makes sense to set the status to 'bootleg'. Othes seem to define it as an etry representing the whole DVD. Then normal album rules should apply.

Idea: Is it possinble to expand the current AlbumAttributes (without changing their structure or interface, just adding entries) to contain some DVD-specific attributes?

Question: How much work is the rewrite of the AlbumAttributes which is documented in the wiki, and how far up on the list can it move? When could it be done, and could expanding the current set be a viable _intermediary_ solution?


--ruaok      Somewhere in Texas a village is *still* missing its idiot.

Robert Kaye     --     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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