I wrote the proposal especially for the "V"/"u" issue (which is both a
capitalization and an ortography matter). That was because I
encountered the problem several times.

The note on the Italian page is rather obscure (that is, I expect few
people read the wiki from end-to-end just out of curiosity, like I do,
and remember that bit of info, like I did), so I think creating a
separate page is useful and, well, doesn't cost us much. We just have
to figure out what rule to use.

I would use the existing one (on the Italian page), but I wanted to
get some second opinions, just because of the fact it's somewhat

-- Bogdan Butnaru — [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I think I am a fallen star, I should wish on myself." – O.

On 5/22/06, Marco Sola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bogdan Butnaru wrote:

BTW, it' always a great to deep inspect a matter but IMHO the sentence "This
should be a standard also for Latin" in the official guideline
http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/CapitalizationStandardItalian is enough. I can't
see how and why
http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/CapitalizationStandardLatinProposal could and
should be different.


MArco (ClutchEr2)
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