
I do not at all think this is a problem that you are encountering alone, neither do I think that you are being overly sensitive.

I really do think the problem is that quite a lot of people have "time and effort" invested in this project. The larger it gets the more demands are made upon their resources, with the consequent knock on effect that sometimes the "worker bees" feel they are being sucked dry and cannot give any more. When this happens then tempers flare and words are said that should maybe have been left unsaid.

Having said that, there is not much you can do about a diverse group of people having their disagreements. I really do think that in some cases it is far better to vent your feelings and get them out in the open. If you don't, then they only fester away inside and build up to what could be an explosion.

I agree that there have been several "flame wars" in the mailing lists over the past couple of months, but as someone who reads them all (sad aren't I), I really do feel that once people have had their say and argued back and forth, then it burns itself out and everyone is back to normal again, until the next time.

I would, personally, much rather have it this way than users, developers and anyone else who has a point of view, feeling that they cannot have their say.

This said, these discussions must never get personal and should always be about a particular topic and not a particular person.

I am getting too long winded, so will stop now.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Redman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MusicBrainz Style" <>
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 11:33 PM
Subject: [mb-style] General feelings about the tone of mails these days(Was: AutoEditor Elections)

Initially, I wrote this as a personal reply to Lauri. When I read it over, I thought, what the hell. This is of interest to everybody. I changed the subject, too.

On Fri, 04 Aug 2006 21:53:09 +0200, Lauri Watts wrote:

To me it is just about dialogue versus judging, about respect versus
evaluation. And I much prefer the former.

Whyever would you think I don't.

I didn't. I am sorry if it sounded like I wanted to accuse you of preferring judging over dialogue. That was not my intention.

I feel pretty uncomfortable on the mailing lists these days. It feels to me as if since the flames about the latest server release the discussion moves into personal accusations too easily. And I am not sure how much it is me writing something that already contains an aggressive tone, or the other (in this case you) who just listens on that personal level and gets a message I did not intend to send. It is also my impression that 'camps' form very easily, so that some people always support a POV and others always oppose it.

I *hate* this, and the worst is that I feel completely helpless about it. I know what to do about these kind of conflicts in a face-to-face group setting. But it just does not seem to work via mail.

I know that Keschte had his share in causing the latest flame, but this rough tone has already come up on mb-style a month or so before that flame. In any way it is too easy to put all the blame on him, and unfair too. It always takes two to tango.

Robert said that he had tried to sort things out in private and this was a mistake. So, maybe we too should talk about this more in the open. This is *not* another "Stefan is the evil guy who cannot take critique"-mail. This is about everybody else, including me.


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