
I'd like some final comments on this relationship type's link phrases and
the general plan of action before I do a RFV.

Firstly, implement the relationship:
<a> is an alternate language/script track listing of <b>
<b> is an alternate language/script track listing of <a>

This relationship describes two track listings which are the same, but are
represented using different languages and/or scripts. It should not be used
for linking translated performances. Transliterations and translations
should be linked to the earliest official release to avoid clusters.

Once we have this, we should add the type 'virtual' to the release
attributes. I've already spoken to mo about this and he said he'll add it
to his restructuring proposal.

Some time in the future when we have NGS, these track listings can then be
grouped together.


Quoting an email from dupuy last time this came up:
> 3. Question of transcoded releases (Unicode -> ASCII) and whether these 
> should be encouraged or deprecated..

I think we should accept, but not encourage, these until we have tagger
script available. I suspect that many cases of "exotic" characters can be
easily automatically substituted with more acceptable ASCII versions by the
tagger itelf then.


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