Seems to me like a very good process, as long as someone actually
works on creating that master list. And of course if no one does then
nothing changes, except that we're allowed to use correct typography,
if we want to.

The only annoying thing at first sight is that we'd need a style guide
for "good enough" and one for "as good as it gets" typography, and a
top guideline that "mediates" between these well enough to avoid edit
wars and scaring away of newcomers.

On Jan 30, 2008 5:30 AM, Brian Schweitzer
> Ok, typography...
> Let's put dashes aside for a second and not focus so much on them.
> What I was talking about wasn't just dashes, but language-correct
> typography.
> Is it a pain for someone to enter if they don't know the language?
> Sure - language-specific punctuation can be hard, just like language
> specific capitalization and such also is hard.
> But am I suggesting that anyone need to deal with it, other than those
> making the master lists?  Very very very much no.
> Now, is there a way to have our cake, and make it easy too?  Sure.
> This is the process I was trying to describe -
> 1) No master list exists for that composer.  Editors use standard
> typography to enter, though if they want to use language-correct
> typography (and they do it correctly), we fully welcome i
> 2) People work on a master list for that composer.  Editors entering
> releases continue to have the full generic/language-specific option of
> #1.  Editors working on the master list work on making sure the
> typography within that list is language-correct.
> 3) The master list is completed.  We update that composer's listings
> to the master list (making all those listings now CSG correct,
> language-capitalization correct, and language-typography correct in
> the process).  Now editors adding releases *for that one composer* are
> asked to copy/paste their track titles from the master list (that's
> somewhat the point of the list...) to ensure that they are named to
> the standard, entered in correct CSG, entered with correct
> capitalization, entered without typos, and, in the process, entered
> with language-correct punctuation...  and en-dashes, em-dashes, etc.
> I've seen (and used) Brenden's -- and --- before as well, but I'd not
> mentioned those, as I think the flexibility of #1 above, considering
> that we'd be fixing it by step #3 anyhow, makes it so we don't even
> have to ask the entering editor to worry about even that level of
> complexity.
> The editor who doesn't care to both about typography?  No problem.
> We're accomodating them - they can ignore typography (and use
> generics), until the list is done, then they *Still* can ignore it,
> and just copy/paste the line, but in the process of copy/pasting a
> line with correct typography, still end up doing it correctly.
> Before we get bogged down even more in dashes, this is the kind of
> thing I'm talking about:
> We already do handle a little of this language-specific punctuation
> complexity, with the spacing in French.  I'm just suggesting, if we're
> going to make up "the list of every single work by a given composer
> that is as close to perfect CSG as we can make it and uses correct
> capitalization for the language(s)", why don't we then go for "...and
> uses well structured and language-correct typography" at the same
> time?
> (And then it becomes those of us making the lists who only have to
> worry about it - and even then, there may quite likely be editors who
> don't want to make a list themselves, but who can speak French,
> Italian, etc, and who would happily help out with checking for caps
> and punctuation errors in such lists.)
> Brian
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"I think I am a fallen star, I should wish on myself." – O.
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