Brian Schweitzer wrote:
I asked it three or four weeks ago, but I'll ask it again, as I *do*
want this to end up with a RFV that can pass, and not just be another
case of us wasting time debating until we all give up on the topic.

Read the proposed new doc.  It's still got a few holes, but it's there
in the majority.

* What is missing?

* What don't people agree with (and "all of CSG" is *not* what I'm
looking for here)?

* If it ought to be formatted differently, or broken out, how/where?

* For structure breakouts, should we have them like in , or like one of the
versions in ?

* What else?  (Only thing I can think of that still really did never
get any attention is that whole coda/da capos/dal segnos/attacca bit,
but I'll be rereading the entirety of our discussions to make sure
nothing else got dropped.)

Let's see if we can't try to get this thing done and closed by the end
of March, and not end up dragging it on and on, or dropping it in
disgust this time?  Passing a clean CSG gets rid of the "special
knowledge of the classical editors" , it clears a mass of lousy docs
and outstanding issues out of the way, and I know there's at least a
few editors who've stopped fixing anything, working on CSGS lists, or
even adding classical until we actually have this passed...  let's get
it done.

Brian, you've done much work on this.

I'm sad to say that I haven't had the time to read it, because I've been to busy bashing you here and working on my voting back log. Perhaps we could have had a more constructive discussion if I had read it.

Now my time is limited, and I'd be surprised that goes only for me, so please don't rush it and say "let's do it within a month".

Let's cool this thing off and have a sensible discussion on small parts at a time, Ok?


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