Woah... epic thread: 

Here's what I understood from it (though I couldn't make it through all 150 

There's a range of release aggregations that exist, from a mere "bundling" of 
existing inventory sold off cheaply, to lovingly crafted Box Sets with extra 
material. Bundles should not be in MB, Box Sets with otherwise unobtainable 
material should be (which is where Shine On gets in, as it has the Early 
Singles disc).

A section this range is a nebulous area where bundles become Box Sets. Or where 
a Box Set is no longer a bundle, depending on which side of the semantic gap 
you're on. Some discussion on this involved a collection of Radiohead's albums 
which was considered the archetypal edge case. One solution to the inclusion or 
otherwise of that sort of bundle set (or box bundle) would be to leave it to a 
vote (which I suppose "Oh, By the Way" passed in that case).

I do think the Box Sets look a tad ugly in the release list; would an extra 
release type of "box set" be worth talking about?

- Si 

> For those who want to catch up on the old discussion, this is probably a 
> good starting point:
> http://lists.musicbrainz.org/pipermail/musicbrainz-style/2008-March/006655.html
> That was a proposal from Brian to change the guideline.
> It was already changed after a lot of heavy discussion earlier.
> Still we couldn't quite reach an agreement,
> even though in the end everybody seemed to agree more or less what to 
> add, and what not to add.
> It seemed to me that concerning the Pink Floyd example (also the "Shine 
> On" boxset) there was an agreement that it should be entered.
> Bram

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