I think the artists themselves differentiate tracks when they play different
notes. How exactly the track is ultimately named by publishers is a
different matter. Indeed in many cases I (would like to) believe that the
inclusion of "album version" or "original mix" is not the choice of artists,
but of publishers to be redundantly explicit when naming the original track
on a release containing multiple remixes. But of course in the context of
multiple releases as presented on musicbrainz or in a user's playlist,
simply the MainTitle (rather than "MainTitle (album version)" would suffice
and indeed be less ambiguous.

I am much more of a user than a maintainer, and I want good tags. I would
like my tags a little different from the source (like spelling corrections
that we already do, but also removal of "album version" etc.), but I
definitely don't want to be different from musicbrainz, and now I am
wondering (as mentioned in the other response) if it is even possible to
include all textual data musicbrainz uses to exactly differentiate a track
within ID3. Sure we want a solid set of rules that are not changing all the
time, but also on last.fm: if half of the users are listening to "Some Song"
and the other half to "Some Song (album version)" when in fact they are
listening to the exact same recording, then the stats are surely broken in
this case as well.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Trong Trongersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Personally, i don't feel it is our place to rewrite history. If the artist
> wanted the tracks differentiated, they would have do so themselves. ie.
> (radio version), (album version), etc. A song is a song, it has a name
> listed on the CD, or where ever it came from. We already have ways of
> differentiating different recordings of a song, the album title for one,
> type of release for another.
> We have to remember that Musicbrainz isn't just here for the maintainers,
> it is used by lots of people for tagging and tracking. I for one don't want
> my track names different from the source when i tag my music, and i don't
> want my names different from musicbrainz'. everytime we change a name we
> create a new track on last.fm rendering thier stat.s sort of useless. We
> are supposed to be the common denominator.
> Trong Trongersoll, The Hermit from the Hills
> Ren.Geek, Wyrd Cousin                NJ:NYRF
> My Website: http://Trong.RamapoMtn.com
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