I meant to say and is *NOT* always necessarily correlated to genetics,

On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 08:25 -0800, Paul C. Bryan wrote:
> Gender is a social construct, and is always necessarily correlated to
> genetics, birth defect, surgery, etc.
> I propose that gender is all MB should be noting. MB is not a DNA or
> health records database.
> My vote would be for: male, female, blank (unknown).
> If a gender changes, my vote would be to have a new artist, and use an
> AR to tie the two artists together.
> Paul
> On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 10:55 -0500, Brian Schweitzer wrote:
> > The second question is one I've seen discussed (in the hypothetical,
> > if we ever did have artist genders) many many times, including in
> > http://chatlogs.musicbrainz.org/musicbrainz/2010/2010-01/2010-01-20.html#T18-26-42-754738
> > 
> > Question: Person artists currently can be set to (blank), male, and
> > female. 
> > 
> > * What about support for those who fall outside of the male/female
> > definitions, due to an accident of birth, surgery, personal
> > identification, or whatever other reasons?  Should there be support
> > for these to accurately be recorded?  
> > 
> > * How accurately - is "it's complicated" enough, or do we add
> > "transgender" and/or "intergender", or other terminology (ie, if you
> > say yes we should have more than just male/female, exactly what
> > terminolgy should be used?)
> > 
> > Caveats:
> > 
> >   1) When answering the terminology question, the terms used will be
> > used by an international audience, so they have to be translatable.
> > (And when the site has i18n support, the MB site will have to be able
> > to translate/support whatever terminology is selected for addition.)
> > 
> >   2) Remember that this is a question about *GENDER*, not *SEXUAL
> > ORIENTATION*, therefore the decision, and terminology, should focus on
> > potential genders, not "gay" or "lesbian" or other sexual
> > orientation-related discussions (with the possible exception of gender
> > involving different personal identification?).
> > 
> > 
> > Personally, I'd say yes, we should have more than just male and
> > female, but I'm not sure yet what terminology I'd support.  I do think
> > we have to be careful with terminology, however, for two reasons.
> > First, MB's roles don't include sex education; while some listings may
> > not be family-friendly, I think we do want to keep the editing forms
> > from drifting anywhere where we could be accused of being too sexually
> > explicit (by getting too detailed and adding lots of various terms for
> > all sorts of various alternate genders.)  Second, most people aren't
> > experts on alternate genders - they have trouble enough (if they even
> > can) differentiating "transgender" from "intergender".  Thus, whatever
> > terminology we do end up using, we need it to still be correct, still
> > be translatable, still not be explicit, but also it has to be
> > comprehensible by someone who may only have a limited understanding of
> > alternate gender issues.
> > 
> > Also, I'd note, whatever the terminology or decision here, on a
> > related topic, I think, post-NGS, we'll have to re-address the
> > decisions made about combining artists such as Wendy Carlos, as now
> > we'll have "Wendy Carlos, female" and "Walter Carlos, male"; even
> > artist credits won't let us skip the fact that the artist's gender,
> > and not just name, changed at some point.
> > 
> > Brian
> > 
> > On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Brian Schweitzer
> > <brian.brianschweit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >         There currently are two related issues from the NGS developers
> >         which need debate and decision by the style list.  Before I
> >         move either to RFC, I'd like to see if we can figure out just
> >         what guidance the RFC should actually give.
> >         
> >         As you may know, one of the new things under NGS is that
> >         artists now will have (among others) an additional field to
> >         store the gender of that artist.  (See
> >         http://musicbrainz.org/doc/NextGenerationSchema#Artist )
> >         
> >         Besides being generally useful to know, for the curious, for
> >         disambigulatory reasons, for the data client, or for any other
> >         reasons, it's also something that i18n (site translation)
> >         support will need, as sme languages (unlike English) construct
> >         different sentences depending upon the gender of the subject.
> >         (Thus something like "was a member of the band Foo" would be
> >         differently constructed depending on if that band member were
> >         a she, a he, or something else.)
> >         
> >         As I can see both questions being debated to some length, to
> >         help keep things easy to follow, I'm going to introduce each
> >         in a separate reply to this email.  If you could, please try
> >         to keep the discussion on each to the appropriate thread?
> >         
> >         Thanks!
> >         
> >         Brian
> > 
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