On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 10:40 PM, Brian Schweitzer
<brian.brianschweit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/3/6 Lukáš Lalinský <lalin...@gmail.com>
>> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 6:07 AM, Brian Schweitzer
>> <brian.brianschweit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > There's been no further discussion on this, and the RFC is scheduled to
>> > go
>> > to RFV today.  Luks, before this goes to RFV, did you still have
>> > concerns?
>> Yes, on Jade Starr's website you can find:
>> "Jade decided to leave the band to continue working on her main
>> project "DREADCIRCUS" and to begin her transition from Male to
>> Female...."
>> It sounds to me that Female would be the right choice here. Can
>> anybody else list here 5 artists where the Other genre applies?
>> Lukas
> While I understand that interpretation, you're taking a mention of the
> surgical procedure as defining the post-surgical gender for Jade (writing,
> w/o using his/her/gender pronouns is difficult! :D), which would seem
> contradictory to the other quoted bit.  However, defining gender based
> solely on genitalia and not self-identification in this manner still breaks;
> by that definition, any castrati would not be male?

Well, we clearly understand that sentence differently. To me it's
about self-identification.

> In any case, this seems reason for us to clearly define the types of
> situation in which "Other" should be used, not a reason to simply not
> include an "Other" option.

Such definitions should be written on the wiki before even sending a
RFC to mb-style.

> (Especially since the RFV on that passed a bit over a day ago... :P)

That's not a reason to not reopen the issue.

Lukas Lalinsky

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