I've not heard of the site before, but have no objections to the AR itself.
 However, as has already been mentioned by others, there's problems here
which would block my being able to support the RFC in its current state.

You seem to be combining a CC license AR, a cover art AR, a can be purchased
for mailorder/download, and a normal "has a page at specific site" AR.

The CC license AR is a bit specialized; CC is not just an attribute that can
be added to any AR.  To implement CC support for this AR wouldn't be very
technically simple (it'd require modifications to the AR code, not just the
AR tables), and it would also separate CC licensing data away from the
dedicated CC AR.  I'd rather that the CC stuff be left to the CC AR.

The coverart stuff also is redundant.  We do it with the Amazon AR, but no
others.  (And I've never been a fan of how that Amazon AR is overloaded to
be both a dedicated site AR and a coverart AR.)  We don't do this with other
sites, such as CDBaby; instead we add a coverart AR and a CDBaby AR.  I'd
rather that the coverart bit were separated out, and left to the cover art
AR to handle.  That also means, of course, that I'm not a fan of this AR's
current name.  I'd give a +1 to Calvin's suggested “Bandcamp Relationship
Type”, as that'd be consistent with all other ARs of this sort.

Also, the http://saskrotch.bandcamp.com/album/for-everlasting-peace
is 404.

Finally, with regards to NGS compatability, this looks like it should become
a RG-URL AR, not a Release-URL AR, after NGS?  Looking at
http://music.amandapalmer.net/album/tristan-allen-ep-preview , the page
seems to handle all versions of a release (digital, limited edition
CD, limited edition signed CD, etc.), not just one specific version of a

Given that tracks also have pages, ala the mentioned
http://saskrotch.bandcamp.com/track/for-everlasting-peace-parts-i-ii , why
not also a track-URL version?  Along these lines, the Guidelines bit here
seems rather redundant, as it's essentially repeating the examples section.
 This would seem even more clear if a track-URL version of this AR were to
be added.  (Thus the entire Guidelines section could be removed.)

Last, a minor nit, but there's a templating error.  You have:

"|summary = [http://bandcamp.com Bandcamp] is a legal music
streaming/download site that helps artists demo and sell music to fans.

This relationship links an artist or release to its corresponding page on

That should be:

"|description = [http://bandcamp.com Bandcamp] is a legal music
streaming/download site that helps artists demo and sell music to fans.

|summary = This relationship links an artist or release to its corresponding
page on Bandcamp."

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