Attached is the IRC chat log from this morning's (PST) chat. Thanks to
everyone who participated.

--- pbryan has changed the topic to: Agenda: Works: qualification, granularity, 
hierarchy, opera/classical.
<pbryan> Well, it's 11:01 PST, so time to get started.
 Thanks everyone for attending.
 The objective is to discuss works and try to establish some foundations for a 
guideline to be written.
--> jdlh (~j...@ has joined #musicbrainz-style
<pbryan> So far, there's been a lot of varying opinion on what works should be, 
and a lot of open questions and I was hoping an interactive chat would help 
move things along.
 So, topic #1: what should be and what should not be a work?
<jdlh> Hello all!
<pbryan> Hi jdlh.
<ruaok> pbryan: start simple and easy, why don't you? :)
<pbryan> :-)
 I think there's general agreement that it should be some composition.
<jdlh> A work should be a database record in which we can hang Classical Style 
track titles and album titles.
 (It may be other things besides.)
<kepstin> In my opinion, a work should be an entity that represents new 
creative input.
<pbryan> jdlh: Classical track titles are usually individual movements, and 
sometimes contains more than one movement.
 kepstin: So, your definition would include a remix of a previous composition?
<kepstin> pbryan, in many cases, I believe it would, yes.
<pbryan> Would it be safe to say that every work has at least a composer?
<kepstin> that's a bit more tricky, because it would then be a work derived 
from recordings, derived from original works
 which, by transitivity, means that there is a composer involved eventually
<pbryan> If the answer is yes, then works should be limited to musical content 
* nikki doesn't see why works can't be used for things like audiobooks too
<pbryan> In other words, do we rule-out audio books, oratories, etc?
<caller_6> and poems? some lyrics started as poems
<kepstin> yeah, In that case I don't think a composer would be a requirement 
for a work.
<pbryan> Okay.
 So, is there agreement works represent more than music?
<ruaok> I agree with kepstin on both the remix and not needing a composer 
<caller_6> what about, instead, "writer"? every work has a (fuzzy) writer.
<kepstin> all in all, some human input is probably required, whether it be a 
composer/lyricist/writer/producer, or whatnot.
<pbryan> A work represents a piece of recorded audio content that is authored 
in some way.
<jdlh> In Classical Music, I can think of at least 3 things that might be 
called "works":
<ruaok> pbryan: +1
<ruaok> I think a work requires some "createive" work.
<pbryan> Okay.
<kepstin> pbryan, A work represents the authoring of a piece of recorded audio 
<jdlh> 1. A complete composition, e.g. a symphony or concerto. Sometimes 
assigned "opus numbers" by the cultural tradition.
<Mineo> caller_6: at least one :)
<ruaok> but it doesn't really have to be a composition. a remix or mash-up is 
<pbryan> jdlh, That's topic #2: granularity.
<caller_6> pbryan: a work must be recorded?
<pbryan> caller_6: Well, that's a good question.
 Do we want to track non-recorded works?
<kepstin> caller_6, that's more of a musicbrainz thing, we're primarily 
representing works that have been recorded.
<nikki> I think in general they should be recorded, but I don't think it should 
be a hard and fast rule
<kepstin> it's not really part of the definition of works; more of a 
side-effect of how people use the database
<jdlh> 2. A movement (or part) of a complete composition. because complete 
compositions are long and the cultural tradition accords great significance to 
the movement as a segmentation of the whole work, and because movements are 
often the granularity of tracks in recordings.
<caller_6> I think Brian has mentioned wanting to list "lost" classical works.
<ruaok> +1 on nikki
<pbryan> Are works meaningful in MB if they're not associated with recordings?
<ruaok> no.
<pbryan> Is that an objective of works?
<ruaok> since they are tied to other things with ARs only...
<caller_6> pbryan: point taken
<jdlh> 3. A work (concerto, etc.) in the #1 or #2 sense, but altered by 
additional composition to make a related but distinct creative product.
<pbryan> Okay, if we're okay with #1, I'd like to move onto #2.
 (and so does jdlh, I think! ;-)
<jdlh> Hold on, I think my #1 #2 #3 are part of answers to your first question, 
<pbryan> Okay, holding...
<jdlh> But maybe I'm not understanding what you meant by your question 1.
<pbryan> I think jdlh that you'd agree a work is at it's most basic a  a piece 
of recorded audio content that is authored in some way?
 s/a  a/a/
<jdlh> " a piece of recorded audio content that is authored" agreed.
<kepstin> pbryan, I think that definition's a little backwards, because the 
work isn't a piece of recorded audio content; it's what leads up to the 
recording (as there may be multiple recordings of a work)
<kepstin> that's just a wording issue tho
<pbryan> Point taken.
 I'll work on the wording.
 I just wanted something to root the rest of the discussion on.
<kepstin> anyways, granularity?
<pbryan> Note, I'm sure others will come back with traditional or Gregorian 
chants at some point later, at which point I may need to justify the definition 
of "authored", at which point I'll do my Bill Clinton impersionation.
 What should be the supported granularit(ies) of works?
<jdlh> Work: "A set of authored instructions to performer(s) on who to take a 
musical performance, which has been recorded".
<pbryan> I've heard albums, I've heard tracks, I've heard movements.
 jdlh: Definitely an improvement to what I've said.
<warp> pbryan: I would think that can vary depending on the work you're trying 
to model
<kepstin> jdlh, that's not necessarily accurate; because for many types of 
modern music, the only "performer" is a computer synthesiser
<ruaok> I think releases or tracks. we don't have the concept of a movement, do 
<nikki> for most pop music, the song is the work... for some concept albums, I 
guess the entire album would also make sense as a work... no idea about 
<pbryan> Well, classical works in general definitely have the concept of 
<kepstin> ruaok, the point is, we may be able to use works to add the concept 
of a movement.
<ruaok> interesting
<pbryan> And certainly movements have been well represented in CSG.
<jdlh> @kepstin: ah, but what instructs the synthesiser how to be behave?  
Programming for that performance, entered by a musician? If so that might be 
the composition. If the synthesiser is autonomous, maybe it's the composer.
<caller_6> Are we still talking about works as nestable entities with different 
layers of abstraction?
<pbryan> caller_6: Yes, it's certainly possible.
<kepstin> caller_6, are they? There's really two things that might need some 
sort of work→work link
<pbryan> The model allows for a web of ARs if we wanted.
<kepstin> 1. Work A is a new work which derives from Work B
<jdlh> Opera and musicals: the entire show is a work, but there are "songs" or 
"numbers" or "choruses" or "overtures" which are subdivisions that are works in 
their own right.
<kepstin> 2. Work A is larger work which incorporates Work B
<pbryan> I think that if song is a work, then probably musical number, 
movement, etc. should also be considered a work.
 I think if concept album is also a work, and so is opus, etc. then we're 
talking hierarchy.
 We'd want an AR to say work A is a part of work B.
<kepstin> we don't want an AR that says "Work A is part of a set, the next Work 
in the set is Work B". Or do we?
<pbryan> Maybe that too...
 I frown because this can get very complex, very quickly.
<caller_6> So, something like 
<warp> hierarchy \o/
<pbryan> caller_6: That's one type of AR.
<jdlh> [ Would like to add to agenda for later: cross-check, how can taggers 
use this Work concept we've sketched out to generate CSG-style Track Name 
strings and Album Name strings and Artist strings for music files? ]
<caller_6> I guess that's what "granularity" means to me. Asking how many 
abstraction layers we want.
<pbryan> jdlh: Noted, time permitting...
 So, there's two arms here:
 1. Works and sub-works.
<warp> caller_6: I don't think we need to define that, it will differ depending 
on the work
<pbryan> 2. Works and derivatives.
<jdlh> In Classical, Opera, Musicals, the sub-works are in a definite sequence. 
We need some way to preserve that ordering. Don't want the DB to list movement 
IV before movement II.
<pbryan> To get concrete here, would there be disagreement Pink Floyd's The 
Wall is a concept album.
<kepstin> for that matter, is a DJ-mix album of multiple tracks a work?
<ruaok> pbryan: no.
<ruaok> kepstin: yes.
<pbryan> Is there any disagreement that The Wall should be considered a work?
<ruaok> pbryan: not from me
<pbryan> Is there any disagreement that Another Brick in the Wall , Part 2 
should also be considered a work?
 (a track on The Wall)
<ruaok> not from me.
<pbryan> Anyone else/
<caller_6> agreed so far
<jdlh> pbryan: not from me on Wall, or on Another Brick.
<pbryan> Because if these propositions are true, then we certainly need 
work->sub work AR.
* ruaok nods
<kepstin> yes. that seems appropriate.
* jdlh nods
<caller_6> that would cover mash-ups as well? and the like?
<pbryan> What about a run-of-the mill album?
 caller_6: Trying to build there.
<ruaok> for a run of the mill album, there is a work, yes.
<warp> how do we caputer order of sub-works under a work?
<ruaok> and that is composed to sub-works.
<jdlh> Good luck, y'all in pop music land, writing the Concept Album as Work 
style guideline. What is and isn't a Concept Album?
<warp> capture
<pbryan> warp: Good question...
 Answer may be that the NGS model doesn't really support that.
<kepstin> I think that for most pop albums, people will not bother adding a 
super-work, because it doesn't add any additional useful information, and would 
be extra work.
<caller_6> jdlh: if there needs to be a test, maybe it's that the work is often 
performed "in order" like Rush's 2112
<pbryan> Safe to say that if someone represents a pop album in works, it 
will/can be tolerated?
<jdlh> caller_6: good observation
<warp> pbryan: yes, any album is a work IMO.
* nikki doesn't think any album is a work, we have releases for that
<nikki> (and release groups)
<warp> someone somewhere decided on a certain order for those tracks.
<pbryan> nikki: Is there a way to make a distinction that we can use to guide?
<jdlh> If "any album is a work" then no need for a Concept Album style guide.
<caller_6> nikki: +1
<kepstin> basically, I only think a work is needed for a collection of works in 
the cases where either a) additional useful ARs can be added to the super-work, 
or b) the collection represents something different from the release.
<nikki> pbryan: well, concept albums aren't something I know much about, I 
listen to stuff that's mostly "the artist's singles so far with some filler 
songs thrown in" :P but from what I've seen of simon's albums, they're often 
one "song" split into multiple parts and things like that
<pbryan> Okay, so the consensus is concept albums, yes, typical pop albums, for 
the most part, no.
 If there's nothing of note in a pop album, it can probably be safely left out 
as a work.
<jdlh> (Anybody have a URL which summarises the current and immediately planned 
NGS database schema, with technical detail?  I'd like to look at it re: 
sub-work ordering.)
<pbryan> So, works are multi-level.
 As warp brought-up, order of sub-works within a super-work is pertinent.
 And I don't think ARs as they stand can cope with this requirement.
<ruaok> is it something that needs to be solved NOW?
<jdlh> Works can't cut Gordian Knot of CSG without sequencing of sub-works.
<pbryan> Can we live with sub-works being listed in non-sequential order?
<nikki> pbryan: the only way to do ordering is like we did the part-of-set 
<pbryan> nikki: Yeah, which presumes a work only appears in one and only one 
 Is that a safe assumption?
<nikki> but I think non-ordered works would be ok for now, ngs is never going 
to solve everything
<kepstin> if we can't do ordering, then we're still going to need a CSG that 
encodes the order into the names of the sub-works :/
<pbryan> kepstin: I'm inclined to agree.
<warp> pbryan: no
<nikki> (and there'll be plenty of cleaning up to do in ngs anyway)
<warp> pbryan: it is not uncommon for a track (a sub-work) to appear twice on 
the same album
<pbryan> I think we're not going to fully solve the CSG problem with NGS as it 
 I think it's a step in the right direction.
<jdlh> "Gordian Knot of CSG": refers to long post I sent to mb-style a couple 
of days ago. Basically, I think Works is our escape from the CSG mess, and if 
Works can't open the escape path, we should improve NGS until it does.
<warp> pbryan: obviously it is common for a track (a sub-work) to appear on 
various albums
<nikki> pbryan: yes, exactly. a step in the right direction :)
<pbryan> jdlh: I agree in principle. I think it will likely happen in steps 
 And the issues we encounter with works in the first step can inform future 
<nikki> jdlh: there is always post-ngs though, just because it's not perfect 
for ngs doesn't mean it won't be improved later
<pbryan> So, I think for the time being, we need to live without 
<kepstin> completely replacing a system with an entirely new one all at once 
really doesn't work as well as incremental steps, in my experience.
<pbryan> But put it on the list of things we need post-NGS?
<kepstin> for sure.
<pbryan> Any major disagreement with that proposition?
 ... (extra pause) ...
 Okay, we've talked about hierarchy.
<jdlh> Note that this NGS won't solve CSG mess, though.
<pbryan> I totally agree.
<ruaok> jdlh: its not intended to.
 its best to think of NGS as a new foundation with which we can solve CSG 
<pbryan> Okay, so we know we need a hierarchy.
* jdlh resets his expectations.
<pbryan> And we also want relationships to model derivative works, yes?
<kepstin> yes, for sure.
<caller_6> agreed
<pbryan> So, there will be another hierarchy representing derivations.
<kepstin> note that works may derive from recordings instead of other works 
directly - e.g. remixes/mashups/djmixes, etc.
<pbryan> kepstin: Won't this also be represented within works though?
 Or do you see merely providing composer credit to the new work?
<kepstin> kind of; a work may have multiple performances/recordings tho; and a 
remix is typically of a particular recording, and adds some new creative input.
 should it be a recording→work AR, or would work→work be enough?
<pbryan> I think if it's a remix, I'd be inclined to say it's a new work, with 
composition credit to composers of the reused recorded material. That's how I 
most often see it credited on albums.
 So someone takes a Bee Gees track, remixes it with their new vocal track, B. 
Gibb gets composer credit.
<kepstin> for the cases of derived works with work→work ARs, would we have to 
specify the composer on each work, or would that be inherited somehow?
<pbryan> I don't think there's any inheritance exposed in the UI today...
<caller_6> not all attributes would be inherited, would they? i mean, not 
<kepstin> right, for example a cover of a song with new lyrics
 would have a different lyricist AR, but the others would be the same
<pbryan> I'm wondering if there should be any derivative work inheritance in 
 Recording ARs seem to do a better job.
<kepstin> the other issue is cancelling out previous ARs. for example an 
instrumental arrangement of a previously vocal song doesn't have lyrics, but is 
still a derived work
 so derivative work inheritance is probably too hard to get right automatically.
<pbryan> Derivative-work ARs would need to distinguish what part is derived. 
Sounds ugly.
<kepstin> so, duplicating ARs onto derived works is probably our best option 
right now, I think.
<pbryan> Yeah, I think so.
 Any objections to this approach for NGS 1?
<kepstin> i'm still curious about whether remix works should use a work→work or 
recording→work ar, anyone have opinions on that?
<jdlh> Would be nice to have better UI for assigning many ARs to many entities.
<pbryan> Indeed.
 Okay, 8 mins to gloss-over classical/opera.
<kepstin> jdlh, that's on the post-ngs wishlist already, I think. nikki really 
wants that :)
<pbryan> Main problem: opera especially.
<jdlh> This is obstacle now for classical, where same 10 Artists may get 
assigned to each track of 3 Releases.
<pbryan> Opera splits tracks at arbitrary places in the libretto.
* nikki wants lots of things :P
<pbryan> I'm inclined to limit works to musical numbers, not recitatives, not 
random dialogue.
<jdlh> Disagree. The recits matter also. I sing opera, I need to study the 
recits too.
<pbryan> This implies that a track may link to the larger work, not the more 
granular in some cases.
 Okay, numbers and recits?
<jdlh> In any case, there's no reason that a recording's Tracks will always 
conform to Sub-Work boundarie.
<kepstin> or a recording may link to multiple of the more granular works, 
<pbryan> jdlh: Yes.
 kepstin: I thin so.
<jdlh> So in general I expect cases where multiple Tracks make up one Sub-Work, 
and one Track contains multiple Sub-Works.
<pbryan> jdlh: I agree.
 Anyone have any other points on this?
<kepstin> I don't think it would make sense to add new works for each possible 
splitting of subworks into tracks.
<caller_6> kepstin:+1
<jdlh> For Opera and Musicals especially, agree that we shouldn't create 
Subworks according to Track boundaries.
<pbryan> So, we're admitting in some cases an ugly-at-best mapping of tracks to 
works, for opera especially.
 I think classical suffers this to some extent—sometimes multiple movements 
appear in the same track.
<jdlh> I see SubWorks as being governed by cultural tradition, not recording 
engineers choices.
<pbryan> jdlh: For opera/classical, I agree.
 It's an easier decision w. popular/jazz music I think.
<jdlh> pbryan: yes, definitely classical suffers this too.
<pbryan> Any last thoughts before the top of the hour?
<jdlh> Idea about sequencing subworks:
 Tracks can link to subworks. Tracks have sequence. This imposes a sequence on 
subworks from a tagger's perspective.
 That may be enough to make progress with simplifying CSG.
<kepstin> right, so in some cases you might have "Track A is a recording of 
Work A, Movement A and Work A, Movement B", other cases "Work A, Movement A has 
recordings Track A, Track B"
<pbryan> jdlh: Agreed, this is a good direction to be driving toward.
 My plan going forward: another IRC this evening PST, then begin drafting a 
guideline, posting to email, continuing dialogue in email. 
<kepstin> hmm. that second case, the track names may need some sort of "(part 
x)" style.
<jdlh> Work A, Movement A will potentially have hundreds of Tracks in different 
<ruaok> pbryan: sounds good. thanks for holding this meeting!
<jdlh> pbryan: thank you!
<pbryan> Your input here was very helpful everyone. Thanks for the input. Feel 
free to ping me directly with ideas pre-and post-email.
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