As discussed in I
believe the current DataQuality implementation is flawed.

As I see it, it has two aims:

1.  Giving an indication of the perceived quality of a release
2.  Locking down edits on a release.

I have no problem with 1.  2 is an issue.  It creates a feeling of
mistrust, which I don't see reflected in the reality of MB editing, by
assuming that other editors will destroy the existing work.  As stated
in the comments on the edit, I can see this being an issue where the
guidelines are not immediately intuitive (e.g. soundtrack guidelines
where composers are used in place of performers) but generally it
isn't an issue.

I'd like to propose that the increased edit conditions are restricted
only to edits that change or remove existing data, which seems to be
the intent of the restrictions.  I can't see any harm in allowing the
addition of edits, but lots of potential problems with edits being

Why is this viable?  Because additions concern:

* New aliases, which may not have been used when the quality was raised.
* Release events which either happen after or are discovered after the
quality was raised.
* New ARs may be added to MB after the quality is raised (e.g. which is pending
instead of being autoedited in due to the high quality of that
* New URLs may appear.

Add Track is the only one I can see a reason to restrict.  Similarly,
Edit URL is one that could probably be unrestricted, given that broken
links are quite common, but I don't see changing that as a necessity.
The main issue is Add Alias, Add Release Event and Add Relationship.
I can't see how any of those damage the existing data, but they do
allow new material that wasn't present before to be added.
Andrew :-)

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