> What about when a series consistently uses "Vol."? The current volume
> numbers guideline permits anything if it's used consistently ("volume",
> "book", "tome", just the number, etc) as long as it's not an
> abbreviation, which just seems completely arbitrary to me.
> I can understand making a series consistent within itself, but expanding
> abbreviations for the sake of abbreviations doesn't really make sense to me.
> Nikki

That's a fair question.  For me personally, I like to have all my data 
normalized the same, so I'd still prefer to see all "Volumes" handled 
the same across the db, but maybe that's just me ... so this would still 
bother me, but I have to admit I don't have a strong argument against it.

However, if we made that an exception, then that would require the user 
to know what the titles of all the other releases in the series are 
before being able to enter the data correctly.  Also, what about those 
where there isn't a series at all but just a single release which 
happens to be given a "Vol 1" title?  Just things to consider.


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