Aurélien Mino wrote:
> So my prerequisites to this proposal are:
> - adding a second ISWC should be strongly discouraged in the user 
> interface (including when you're going to merge works with different ISWCs)
> - have a way to easily split a work (like what is proposed here: 

I've made a couple of tickets for those points:
* (Warn when merging 
works with different ISWCs)
* (Add a "split" option 
for works)
We can make these dependencies of (Allow more than one ISWC 
per work)

Do you (or anyone else) have any ideas about how we can discourage 
adding multiple ISWCs?
I would probably suggest a button (similar to adding a second label in 
the release editor). When you click it, it would add another field, but 
also show a warning and a confirmation box asking the person to confirm 
that these are really for the same work. If it's possible we could also 
make adding a second ISWC always require voting.


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