On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 2:11 AM, StoneyBoh <js...@mindless.com> wrote:
> I don't know who wrote that rationale based on internationalization or
> where it came from. Rather I believe that the abbreviation style came
> from the pre-NGS philosophy of normalizing the track and title data to
> produce a consistent looking set of data.  That includes capitalization
> standards, series numbering standards and abbreviation style.  I'm one
> of those people that got involved here to a great extent because I liked
> that philosophy.
> So, without that standard, I might have "volume" related titles in my
> collection that have the format:
> abc, Volume 1
> abc Vol 1
> abc, Vol 1
> abc Vol. 1
> abc Vol.1
> abc, Vol 1
> abc: Volume 1
> abc - Vol 1
> abc, V.1
> etc. etc.
> Some people don't mind that problem, but others would really prefer that
> the database reflect a more consistent, normalized set of data.  I think
> one of the beliefs behind this is that some feel the volume information
> is (in most circumstances) not exactly a main part of the title, but
> something more akin to extra title information ... which we also agreed
> to normalize (things like spelling out remix or instrumental and the like).
> The multi-language part of it, I seem to recall, came later, when some
> folks objected to having the English word for Volume on Spanish or
> German, or whatever language releases. That was an implementation issue
> I think, not the rationale for the guideline.
> I personally like this normalization very much ... although I don't have
> many titles with "volume" info in my collection.  However, I would be
> very disappointed if we were to depart from this philosophy for the Part
> Number style ... and it would be confusing to have it apply to some
> series types and not others, I think.

+1 to everything Jeff said here.

- Aurelien

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