2012/5/8 Ross Tyler

> > I think what most people expect from the sort name field is that artists
> > be ordered in a familiar alphabetical manner. The purpose of that is
> > simply to find an artist in a list when you know nothing beyond the name.
> Yes.
> I consider myself one of these.
> I (and, I suspect others) would expect to find all Les Claypool projects
> filed under Claypool, Les.
> What you're describing might be called "grouping". It sounds great. I
> > think I'd like my collection organized along those prinicples. But IMO
> > it goes beyond what most people expect from the sort name field.
I also don't see this as a sorting problem, but an identifier problem. In
the database we use disamb. field to solve such problems, but only when
artist names are identical. We can extend the usage of disamb. field for
such scenarios. Furthmermore, if also we can put that disamb. note to a tag
field in our files, we can use that while sorting and/or displaying artist

I don't like the idea of using Grouping id3 tag field because it uses TIT1
which is used for grouping of titles not artist names. However, I think
it's an interesting idea that we do groupings for artists too. Idea is
similar to "release groups". Each "artist group" may include artist
projects or bands that artists attended.

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