On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Per Starbäck <per.starb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A week has gone and the RFC got +1.
> There has been no objections, so the suggestion isn't changed:
>>>> I suggest we add wikisource.org from the Wikimedia Foundation for lyrics.
>>>> Among all the documents there there are quite a few song lyrics in
>>>> various languages for texts in the public domain.
>>>> http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/STYLE-106
> This will expire on May 10th.
>> Once the RFV has passed, permission must be obtained, in writing (email is 
>> fine), from
>> the site which would be added to the whitelist.
> I'd say we (and everyone) obviously already have permission to link to
> wikisource.org, even though I can't find a clear-cut "you may link to
> us" quote there. The closest in writing might be at
> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_use where "including a) a
> hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the page or pages you are
> re-using" is mentioned as a way to give credit when re-using text from
> Wikimedia projects.

Note that this will need to be accepted by Rob a.k.a. the BDFL a.k.a.
the boss because he's asked to approve personally all lyrics pages
that style wants to add. But I doubt it should be a problem - I've
mailed him about it.

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