2012/5/9 Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren <reosare...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:01 AM, jacobbrett <jacobbr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to encourage discussion for better (easier for the end-user, as
> well
> > as semantic improvement) implementation of masters and their
> "significant"
> > remasters.
> >
> > I disambiguate MusicBrainz entities with capitalisation.
> >
> > Currently
> >
> >
> > We define a Recording as: "A recording represents a piece of unique audio
> > data (including eventual mastering and (re-)mixing).". [1]
> >
> > If a recording undergoes a "significant" remaster/edit [i], we are to
> create
> > a new Recording to represent the new version (or conversely, we are not
> to
> > represent substantially different masters with the same Recording). [2]
> >
> > [i] A subjective issue, though I try to (very roughly) define this as
> > "intentionally rejigging an existing recording so that it sounds
> noticeably
> > different (for re-release)".
> >
> > New Implementation
> >
> >
> > I think the definition should be adjusted to something along the lines
> of "A
> > Recording represents a piece of audio data; a unique rendition of a
> work.".
> >
> > My intention is that all remasters and [radio/clean, etc.] edits would be
> > grouped under a Recording entity that (perhaps abstractly) represents the
> > studio master (or whatever is analogous) from which they're all derived.
> > Additionally, we'll implement Master IDs, which must have a parent
> Recording
> > ID. When a new Recording is created, a de-facto Master is also created.
> >
> > These changes will render "Remaster Relationship Type" [3] obsolete, as
> the
> > functionality of this relationship will instead be represented through
> > "Recording (master disambiguation/name)" aka Recording ID -> Master ID.
> >
> > Examples
> >
> >
> > A new recording is made, is mastered (or not) and then released. An
> editor
> > enters it into MusicBrainz as a new Recording; a Master is automatically
> > created. It is also released as a radio edit, which is entered as the
> same
> > Recording, though the editor chooses to add a new master and is prompted
> to
> > add a master disambiguation/name (in this case, they enter "radio edit").
> >
> > Another single containing the radio edit is released; this time the user
> > again selects the same recording and selects the "radio edit" master from
> > the drop-down box to the right side of the recording name (if using the
> > "Add/Change Recording" dialogue box, otherwise if on a "Edit Recording"
> page
> > it would be below the recording's disambiguation field).
> >
> > Issues
> >
> >
> > What should we do if the correct Master is unknown for a particular Track
> > (for example, from a compilation)?
> >
> > I suggest perhaps creating a new master called "unknown" to group
> > unspecified Tracks into. I also support implementation of a Picard
> function
> > that records an image of Track waveforms, for comparison purposes
> (stored as
> > data-points for rendering in an HTML canvas), regardless if Masters are
> > implemented.
> >
> > [1] http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Recording
> > [2]
> >
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Style/Recording#What_should_and_shouldn.27t_be_merged_together.3F
> > ("shouldn't merge different edits, mixes, remixes or remasters of a
> > performance.")
> > [3] http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Remaster_Relationship_Type
> Heh :) I seem to remember that a three-level system, recording + mix +
> master, was in the original design for NGS and got simplified to what
> we have, probably because people felt it was too much, but maybe for
> other reasons. It would be good if someone who participated in the
> design meeting could let us know.

What you describe seems to be Recording then Mix then Master, while
jacobbrett sets the master first. In other words, what jacobbrett calls
master is not what is called generally a master in the music industry.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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