On 01/07/2012 19:15, caller#6 wrote:
> On 07/01/2012 08:05 AM, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:

>> My current idea is a pretty simple thing: a series has an MBID, a
>> name, and a list of things (releases or recordings [1]) in an order.
>> Is there anything else they need?
> I'd imagined a series would have
>       * MBID
>       * Name
>       * Annotation
>       * Maybe start/end dates derived from the first/last known releases?
>       * Relationships
>           ** Label (one or more (I /think/ I've seen a series that spans
> several small labels but I could be mistaken))
>           ** Parts (release, release group, tracks or whatever), with
> attribute:
>               *** Ordinality: some series have explicit orders, the rest
> would be determined by what? Cat# or release date?

Along with the ordinality, I think it's necessary to have an optional 
text field, c.f. the Disc title on Releases with >1 Medium. This would 
hold ETI relating the Release to the Series, e.g. "Vol IV, no. 3" or 
"Spring 2010" or any other text.

>           ** Images (sticker or logo)
>           ** Artist, with attributes:
>               *** Recording Artist
>               *** Other (producer, engineer etc) (example:
> http://www.discogs.com/label/RVG+Edition )

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