2013/1/25 jacobbrett <jacobbr...@hotmail.com>

> I’ll repost  what I wrote on the dev list
> <
> http://musicbrainz.1054305.n4.nabble.com/Recordings-Masters-mb-dev-discussion-2012-01-23-td4647103.html
> >
> (as I was absent):
> jacobbrett wrote
> >
> http://chatlogs.musicbrainz.org/musicbrainz-devel/2013/2013-01/2013-01-23.html#T20-29-21-549097
> >
> > 20:49:40 ianmcorvidae: “that merge guideline does ignore all the pre-NGS
> > stuff -- I think that 10 years of data is rather more important than the
> > bit since NGS release tbh” [1]
> >
> > I’m super‐late to the party, though what is the problem (besides dev.
> time
> > and increased database complexity) of implementing Master entities, if we
> > default to “catch‐alls”? Also, I’m assuming Masters are not exposed in
> the
> > API/UI by default. I still back my prototype:
> > https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/User:Jacobbrett/Recordings
> >
> > This is directed towards nikki, etc.’s proposal: One argument I have
> > against relying on master relationships at release level is that a
> > mastered track may appear identical on two releases (more likely
> > bit‐identical on digital releases, especially), yet the masterer is not
> > known for either of the two releases. Even if the masterer was known for
> > those tracks on those two releases and the masterer was the same person,
> > how can we represent whether the tracks are identical masters? At least,
> > with Master entities, we can say definitely that those tracks on those
> two
> > releases are the same master (after analysing the waveforms somehow).
> >
> > Due to the above, if it is decided to implement Master entities, I’d
> > prefer to redefine the definition of existing entities (Recordings) with
> > the implementation of the former—I’m not convinced automatically moving
> > masterer relationships to Release level is a good idea in all cases (or
> > necessarily at all).
> >
> > [1]
> >
> http://chatlogs.musicbrainz.org/musicbrainz-devel/2013/2013-01/2013-01-23.html#T20-49-40-727731

I understand what you are saying, but I don't think the current situation
is better. Actually, I believe the current situation is worse because the
word "Recording" suggests to some editors to merge Recordings which are
completely different masters/transfers (sometimes separated by 20 years).
So what do you suggest?

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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