On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Dainis Jonitis <joni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Site (in Latvian)
> http://www.nfc.lv/lmdb/index/
> It contains detailed information about Latvian movies.
> For example, movie "Ilgais ceļš kāpās":
> http://www.nfc.lv/lmdb/movies/movie.php?mov_id=1562
> When entering soundtrack works in Musicbrainz it would be nice to
> allow to link to this DB. Field "Mūzikas autors" is for music
> composer.
> Contacts:
> n...@nfc.gov.lv
> Director of National Cinema Center Mrs. Ilze Gailīte Holmberga:
> ilze.gail...@nfc.gov.lv
> Ticket:
> http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/STYLE-188
> Regards,
> Dainis

I completely forgot about this. I'll say I'm not completely sure about
whether it's correct to link it with "other databases" - since the database
isn't for the soundtrack, it's for the film itself. But I am wondering what
other people think - I'll point the soundtrack people to this, because any
argument about this would probably also apply to relating, for example, an
IMDb page to a soundtrack work.

Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
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