On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 12:47 AM, Ulrich Klauer <ulr...@chirlu.de> wrote:

> Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren:
> > Now that the orchestra attribute is going away (thankfully) we
> > should store this data where it belongs: on the artists. I would
> > like to add a few new
> > artist types to more clearly store this kind of info.
> > As a minimum, I'd like the top level here of orchestra, choir and
> > chamber ensemble (ideally, of course, I'd want them all :) ):
> > Orchestra
> > -Chamber orchestra
> > -Symphony orchestra
> > Choir
> > -Male choir
> > -Female choir
> > -Mixed choir
> > -Children choir
> > Chamber ensemble
> > -String quartet
> > -Piano trio
> 1. All of those are actually sub-types of "Group", not top-level types
> in their own right (like "Person" and "Character"). However, the
> server software does not support the notion of subtypes at the moment;
> this means that whenever a subtype (or subsubtype) is added, a code
> change is required in order to display the start/end dates as
> "Founded"/"Dissolved". Possibly in more places if, e.g., MBS-2604 were
> to be implemented. Also, external software has no chance to find out
> that new artist type 37 (say) is to be treated as a group.

Well, that sounds like something that would be reasonably easy to implement
in the next schema change if we feel this is necessary. I'm fairly sure we
can live with "Begin/End" dates until then, if nobody wants to write the
code for this at the moment - all the places where this distinction is made
inside MB at the moment are basically decorative except for deselecting
Gender, which should hopefully be a trivial change anyway (so should the
others, for that matter).

2. I don't actually think this is where the data belongs, at the very
> least not for the subsubtypes like "String quartet". Instead, we
> already have "is member of group playing <instrument>"; so, a group
> consisting of two violinists, a violist and a cellist can be
> considered a string quartet.

I'd argue it's more useful the other way around though - marking something
as a string quartet automatically offering those four roles as a
predetermined place to add the relationships from. I'm willing not to add
subtypes anyway though, as I already said when originally sending the RFC.

> 3. Introducing those very specific subsubtypes would lead to an
> enormous proliferation. Just have a look at the "common ensembles"
> listed in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamber_music#Ensembles - other
> responses already hinted at that, too.

Only if you add every single type of ensemble, which would be pointless
(and which is why I was disagreeing with turning it into a full-level
ontology with all kind of extras). Again though, I'd be OK with just the
main types.

> All of these are fairly acceptably defined
> 3. Are they? Are The King's Singers a male choir? Is Rockapella?

Since both seem to be considered vocal ensembles, the answer is no. The
definition can be somewhat circular, but so is the Album/EP divide (and
even the Group one, for one-official-member bands like Nine Inch Nails) .

> Is a choir that sings TTBB, but admits female tenors (typically for lack of
> male candidates), a male choir or a mixed choir? How many people are a
> chamber ensemble, how many do you need for an orchestra?

Again, an orchestra becomes one when it considers itself one, mostly -
certainly a string trio / quartet isn't one, even though some people keep
using the orchestra rel for them (which was the main reason to introduce a
separate "ensemble" type really, to try and get people not to pick
"orchestra" for those - it's possible that it could be enforced with a
guideline anyway I imagine though. For the choir, I would still call that a
male choir probably, but for the few doubtful cases, there's nothing wrong
with picking just "choir" :)

> > An example of how this could be useful (apart than from just storing
> > the data and knowing) is for having "Group" offer adding members
> > from the edit artist page, while choir or orchestra artists would
> > offer to add conductors too.
> A general type as outline above could achieve that, too.

Agreed, that's why that's the minimum I'd want :)

I'd like the orchestra / choir subtypes because the choir ones are
*generally* (with a few exceptions like the one you mentioned I guess,
which I don't doubt happens but I'm yet to see) clear, and the orchestra
ones we had already on the orchestra relationship so I imagine people were
reasonably able to make the distinction and thought it was interesting to a
point. But I don't think they're basic for this to work, and could
certainly be added later once 1) is dealt with if we want them.

Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
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