I want to add Orchestra and Choir as artist types. If and when this passes, I
will look into adding the necessary code for them to behave like groups
(initially) - later on, we can look at adding specific improvements that
apply to these two types. They will be based on Groups, and won't have a
Gender (which might make a bit of sense for choirs but seems like misusing
the field to me).

There was a problem with the (lack of) definitions last time, so I've added
them and also added a line to the Additional Information section: "Not
every ensemble related to classical music is an Orchestra or Choir. The
Borodin Quartet and The Hilliard Ensemble, for example, are simply Groups."

Since the latest definitions have been up for a while, with a +1 and no
actual objections, let's try to RFV again and see what happens.

Artist type page is http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/User:Reosarevok/Artist/Type
Ticket is http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/STYLE-285

Expected pass date is Mar 23.
Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
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