Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is 24-bit support being worked on?  I'd like to buy a new DAC that
> oversamples everything to 24-bits (more and more DACs are doing this)
> so I'd really like to see mpd support for this.

Hi Grant,

Andreas Claesson worked on a branch to support 32-bit long ago.  I'm not
sure what ever became of it or if it was ever good enough to be merged,
but his work is still available here:

The lack of hardware and audio sources is definitely a hinderance to
supporting it.  I certainly don't have any hardware capable of more than
16-bits nor do I have any music of that quality.  I'm pretty certain
that 99.9% of users are in the same boat as I am.  But yes, I'd like to
see mpd support higher quality audio.

> Also it would be great to have the option for replaygain to operate on
> the hardware mixer.  The reason for this is explained here:

The mixer code is in the need of an overhaul, but it'll probably have to
wait until 0.15.0.  I hope to have 0.14.0 (with a rewritten core)
stabilized and ready for release by October/November, if not sooner.

mixer("hardware")-based replaygain would be huge win for machines with
weak CPUs, especially on portable devices with FPU-less ARMs.  So yes,
I'm definitely in favor of doing this.  </me shakes his cane at
kids and their loudness wars>

> Is anyone available to implement these features on a paid basis?  If
> so, how much would they cost?

My schedule is unfortunately too busy to accomodate (unless I get
paid enough to quit my day jobs and work on mpd full-time :)

Perhaps somebody else is willing to step up to it.

Eric Wong

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