On 2009/03/03 11:58, Sébastien Houzé <sebastien.ho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in having a powerful feature in mpd : something like virtual
> hosts.
> In this way mpd deals its configuration with hierarchical virtual roots, we
> can have for example a domain like syntax, saying foo.bar.baz for example.
> baz is top level domain so it has its own database with its own media files
> directories.
> bar is domain so it merges its own database and media files with baz.
> Same recurrent thing with foo.
> At login/connexion time mpd sould require or identify the virtual host and
> threat it as an independant stream.
> It's a big feature with a lot to do, so I need first to ask you about
> feasibility regarding current mpd code base and about entry points at each
> level :
> _ vhost matching
> _ configuration files/ possible syntax model
> _ streams i/o
> _ database/indexing/merging
> mpd seems to be threaded end by end so it's probably a good point (and a lot
> of attention) to make it support this kind of vhost hierarchy.
> Of course another way is to launch many mpds whith many configuration
> files...
> regards,
> Sébastien HOUZÉ

Hi Sébastien,

that is a good idea, and there were similar feature requests in the


Although MPD is multi threaded, there is a lot left to do: not all
libraries are actually able to handle multiple objects at the same
time, e.g. the playlist, the decoder and many others are singletons
(global variables).  The code base has to go through a lot of
preparations before we can do this.

We're currently quite busy with other features, but you're welcome to
help with preparing the code base for your idea.


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