A simple use would be turning "The Rolling Stones" into "Rolling Stones,
The" for the purposes of sorting but not display.  Some of this can be done
automatically, of course, but not all - there will always be special cases
or other languages it doesn't know about.  An example for AlbumArtist(Sort)
would be the Blues Brothers soundtrack, where it's reasonable to access the
entire album by browsing through artist "The Blues Brothers" (sorted as
"Blues Brothers, The"), but there are tracks with artists like "The Blues
Brothers and Ray Charles".


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Warren Dukes <warren.du...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I see that ArtistSort is some itunes intrudeced tag.  There also appears to
> be an AlbumArtistSort.  What are these used for and how are they different
> from the non-Sort versions?  Just curious, not a criticism. :-)
> Thanks,
> -warren
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