Dea has come into my head, that it might be a good thing to stop here
for a time, and try to dispose of some of our merchandise. The city
seems to be quite prosperous, and I have no doubt there are a number of
merchants here." So the "Horn o' Plenty" was soon anchored in the
harbor, and as many of the officers and crew as could be spared went on
shore to make inquiries. Of course the First Class in Long Division was
not left behind; and, indeed, they were ashore as soon as anybody. The
Captain and his companions were cordially welcomed by some of the
dignitaries of the city who had come down to the harbor to see the
strange vessel; but no one could give any information in regard to Apple
Island, the name of which had never been heard on those shores. The
Captain was naturally desirous of knowing at what place he had landed,
and was informed that this was the Island of the Fragile Palm. "That is
rather an odd name," said the old Captain. "Why is it so called?" "The
reason is this," said his informant. "Near the centre of the island
stands a tall and very slender palm-tree, which has been growing there
for hundreds of years. It bears large and handsome fruit which is
something like the cocoanut; and, in its perfection, is said to be a
transcendently delicious fruit." "Said to be!" exclaimed the Captain;
"are you not positive about it?" "No," said the other; "no one living
has ever tasted the fruit in its perfection. When it becomes overripe,
it drops to the ground, and, even then, it is considered royal property,
and is taken to the palace for the King's table. B

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