On 2009/02/10 17:22, Tom Duxbury <tom.duxb...@pikatech.com> wrote:
> I apologize for the delay since we spoke last year after you alerted us
> to changes needed to our standard license.
> We've been busy making updates at this end, with the result that we're
> preparing to switch over to this new license,
> which I've attached for your interest.   We've also been busy tidying up
> the remainder of our code for
> the SVN to ensure we don't accidentally release code improperly.. we're
> still working on this and
> it will take another couple of months to finish it.
> Thank you for your patience while we work through this.

Hi Tom,

your subversion repository indicates that your techs have been working
on MPD sourc code meanwhile, but there is still no resolution for the
copyright violation.  It's been 10 months now, and 7 months since your

The case will be one year old in november.  Until that date, I expect
you to either comply to the license agreement (by publishing the
proprietary libraries under a compatible license), or to stop
distributing MPD.  If neither happens, we will officially revoke your
MPD license, and we will eventually introduce a lawyer to this issue.

Remember: even if it's free software, copyright law still applies.  We
have rights, and you are violating them.  Do not use our code if you
don't agree to the conditions demanded by the GPL.

Max Kellermann

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