On 2009/09/21 19:24, Max Kellermann <m...@duempel.org> wrote:
> the libmpdclient2 API is nearly complete.  I hope it will be ready for
> the first stable release by the end of this month.  Please take the
> last chance to comment on my design:

Hi again,

thanks for the comments & patches.  Avuton will do the stable release
soon.  This means that the API is stable, and will not be changed
anymore unless there are major reasons for doing so.

Three clients are using libmpdclient 2.0 already (in git, not yet
released): mpc, ncmpc, mpdscribble.  I hope the rest will follow soon.

In the near future, I will finally make ncmpc use the "idle" command.
Much of that code will probably be merged back into libmpdclient, as a
separate GLib based frontend library.  More front-ends will follow,
e.g. libevent and C++.

There's still documentation missing for some functions.  Patches


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