
I have following problem with my mpd installation running on debian stable
(mpd version: 0.13.2-3lenny1):

With mpc (running on same system than mpd) i can access the server
I also have no problems with Sonata on Debian testing accessing mpd from

I have another laptop which have to run Windows - and I tried Ario and
gmpc - both are quite often disconnecting from mpd.

In Ario it's like this:
I can connect normally to the remote mpd and Ario reads in the mp3 library
normally (takes a while because lots of songs).
Pressing play, pause, etc. works normally.

But if i try to browse the library it quite often just disconnects and it
reads the library again (takes a while as i said before).
This is quite annoying.

gmpc on Windows just disconnects regularly after some seconds - without my

Here is a snippet of /var/log/mpd/mpd.log at the time it happens:

Dec 09 19:00 : interface 0: command returned 0
Dec 09 19:00 : interface 1: process command "status"
Dec 09 19:00 : interface 1: command returned 0
Dec 09 19:00 : interface 2: opened from Dec 09 19:00 :
Dec 09 19:00 : interface 2: closed
Dec 09 19:00 : interface 0: process command "status"
Dec 09 19:00 : interface 0: command returned 0
Dec 09 19:00 : interface 0: process command "currentsong"
Dec 09 19:00 : interface 0: command returned 0

Here's my mpd config:


This happens with shoutcast output as well as with pulse or alsa.

Any hints would be very nice - on the web i found nothing on that topic.


mail: vitam...@callistix.net
www : http://www.callistix.net
irc : #callistix @ chat.freenode.net:8001

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