
I've been working on a uclinux based music player for some time.   Presently, 
the core of this has been a version of mpg123 that I patched to run as a server 
and for which I wrote a C-library that could talk to the server over a shared 
memory interface.  I then wrote an XML over HTTP interface that can be used for 
network clients and an AJAX web UI that works on top of that.  This is all 
integrated into a system (application + OS) that can fit into a kernel+ramdisk 
image that's less than 5MB.   Right now I only build this for x86 (convenient 
because of the cheap fanless mini-ITX boards that are available and because I 
can run it on a virtual machine for development), but I'd also like to port it 
to some of the cheap ARM based boards that are starting to appear.     

I only recently became aware of mpd (as strange as that may seem, I guess I 
never did the right Google search or talked to the right person), but it seems 
clear to me at this point that I should start using mpd as the core of my 
project so that I can take advantage of the fairly large base of client 
applications that already exist.  

I'd like to ask the people on this forum what other embedded mpd based 
projects they know of that already exist that are similar to mine... I want to 
make my project available to the open source community, but I'd rather add some 
value than just duplicate others' efforts if possible.  The way I see it, the 
features that I could add to what already exist in just the mpd software are:
  - Integration into a small footprint bootable linux system
  - XML over HTTP interface into mpd for easy integration with clients that are 
XML oriented
  - XML interface also supports basic setup features like adding new samba 
mounts, configuring wi-fi, etc.  
  - There are a lot of higher level features that I've wanted to add, but never 
could because the basic mpd-like 
    functionality was taking up too much time.   
    Some of these include:
       - Ability of multiple devices to "find" each other through zeroconf/mdns 
and present a single cohesive UI for 
         all of the devices. 
       - Something similar to Sonus's "party mode" feature where multiple 
devices are synchronized within a few
         milliseconds of each other so that different devices in different 
can all broadcast the same thing.
       - Ability to assemble a cohesive library of music from multiple sources 
(network servers, USB drives, etc.).
         This would also include being able to gracefully deal with sources 
joining and leaving the network and
         attempting to avoid displaying duplicate songs that exist on multiple 
       - (lots of other ideas, but this message is getting long!)

I look forward to hearing comments about what's already out there and what I 
might want to focus on!

Dave Rensberger


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